6 min read

Drupal 7 Fields/CCK Beginner’s Guide

Drupal 7 Fields/CCK Beginner's GuideExplore Drupal 7 fields/CCK and master their use

Field display

The purpose of managing the field display is not only to beautify the visual representation of fields but also to affect how people read the information on a web page and the usability of a website. The design of a field display has to seem logical to users and easy to understand.

Consider an online application form where the first name field is positioned in between the state and country fields. Although the application can gather the information just fine, this would be very illogical and bothersome to our users. It goes without saying that the first name should be in the personal details section while the state and country should go in the personal address section of the form.

Time for action – a first look at the field display settings

In this section, we will learn where to find the field display settings in Drupal. Now, let’s take a look at the field display settings:

  1. Click on the Structure link on the administration menu at the top of the page.

    Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management

  2. Click on the Content types link on this page.

    Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management

  3. On the right of the table, click on the manage display link to go to the manage display administration page to adjust the order and positioning of, the field labels.

    Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management

  4. Click on the manage display link to adjust the field display for the Recipe content type.

    Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management

  5. This page lists all of the field display settings that are related to the content type we selected.

    (Move the mouse over the image to enlarge it.)

  6. If we click on the select list for any of the labels, there are three options that we can select, Above, Inline, and <Hidden>.

    Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management

  7. If we click on the select list for any of the formats, there are five options that we can select from, namely, Default, Plain text, Trimmed, Summary or trimmed, and <Hidden>.

    Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management

  8. However, the options will vary with field types. As in the case of the Difficulty field the multiple values field, if we click on the select list for Format, will show three options, Default, Key, and <Hidden>.

    Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management

What just happened?

We have learned where to find the field display settings in Drupal, and we have taken a look at the options for the field display.

When we click on the select list for labels, there are three options that we can use to control the display of the field label:

  • Above: The label will be positioned above the field widget
  • Inline: The label will be positioned to the left of the field widget
  • <Hidden>:The label will not be displayed on the page

When we click on the select list for formats, the options will be shown, but the options will be different, and depend on the field type we select. For the Body field, we will have four options that we can choose to control the body field display:

  • Default: The field content will be displayed as we specified when we created the field
  • Plain text: The field content will be displayed as plain text, which ignores HTML tags if the content contains any
  • Trimmed: The field content will be truncated to a specified number of characters
  • Summary or trimmed: The summary of the field will be displayed; if there is no summary entered, the content of the field will be trimmed to a specified number of characters
  • <Hidden>:The field content will not be displayed

Formatting field display in the Teaser view

The teaser view of content is usually the first piece of information people will see on a homepage or a landing page, so it will be useful if there are options that could control the display in teaser view. For example, for the yummy recipe website, the client would like to have the number of characters displayed in teaser view limited to 300 characters, because they do not like to display too much text for each post on the homepage.

Time for action – formatting the Body field display in teaser view

In this section, we will format the Body field of the Recipe content type in teaser view:

  1. Click on the Structure link on the administration menu at the top of the page.

    Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management

  2. Click on the Content types link on the following page:

    Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management

  3. Click on the manage display link to adjust the field display for the Recipe content type.

    Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management

  4. At the top-right of the page, there are two buttons, the first one is Default, the second one is Teaser, now click on the Teaser button.

    (Move the mouse over the image to enlarge it.)

  5. This page lists all the available fields for the teaser view of the Recipe content type.

    (Move the mouse over the image to enlarge it.)

  6. Now click on the gear icon to update the trim length settings:

    (Move the mouse over the image to enlarge it.)

  7. After clicking on the gear icon, which will display the Trim length settings. The default value of Trim length is 600, we change it to 300, and then click on the Update button to confirm the entered value.

    Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management

  8. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page to store the value into Drupal.

    Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management

  9. If we go back to the homepage, we will see the recipe content in teaser view. It is now truncated to 300 characters.

    Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management

What just happened?

We have formatted the Body field of the Recipe content type in Teaser view.

Currently there are two view modes, one is the Default view mode, and the other is the Teaser view mode. When we need to format the field content in Teaser view, we have to switch to the Teaser view mode on the Manage display. administration page to modify these settings.

Moreover, when entering data or updating the field display settings, we have to remember to click on the Save button at the bottom of the page to permanently store the value into Drupal. If we just click on the Update button, it will not store the value into Drupal, it will only confirm the value we entered, therefore, we always need to remember to click on the Save button after updating any settings.

Furthermore, there are other fields which are positioned in the hidden section at the bottom of the page, which means those fields will not be shown in Teaser view. In our case only the Body field is shown in Teaser view. We can easily drag and drop a field to the hidden section to hide the field, or drag and drop a field above the hidden section to show the field on the screen.

Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Field Display Management


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