2 min read

Today, the team at Dejavu announced a new version update to the open-source browser of ElasticSearch. Dejavu 2.0 is now generally available and comes with upgrades like search previews, improvements to the UI, better navigation and much more. While working with NoSQL databases or Elasticsearch, Dejavu helps users to import data, map it to data types, create and share filtered data views, and export this data out.

Features of Dejavu 2.0

  1. The browser now comes with a Search preview Functionality which will enable viewers to create a visual search UI from their Elasticsearch index.
  2. The browser has a better UI color scheme.
  3. The team has added navigation to help users perform tasks like importing their dataset via Import,  browsing data via Browse, performing Search Preview and managing their schemas using Mappings View.
  4. In the previous version of the browser, when a user tried to perform a query, it showed ‘Refused to execute JavaScript URL’, because it violated a certain Content Security Policy directive. The issue stands fixed and Dejavu’s chrome extension can run in incognito mode after being enabled by a user.
  5. Another suggestion when creating mappings via Dejavu’s UI was to use ignore_above setting. This could be done to ignore very long characters from being set as keyword. Now, the Mappings created from Dejavu’s UI set an ignore_above value to set a max term limit to 256 which is the same as ElasticSearch’s default limit.
  6. In the previous version, when trying to add a URL with a / at the end of it, Dejavu threw an authentication error. This bug now stands fixed.
  7. Dejavu’s build process dropped the use of Bower, resulting in more maintainability.

Why use Dejavu?

Dejavu allows users to connect to any of the indexes present in their cluster. It makes clusters easily accessible while browsing as it caches each connected index locally.

Visual filters allow sorting through data, finding information visually, hiding irrelevant data and helps users interpret all the numbers and text they see. Based on the ElasticSearch query, Dejavu shows filtered views, as well as bulk updating or deleting documents via the query DSL.

Besides this, the browser supports an infinite scroll based UI. Users can also update and delete data either individually or via queries in bulk.
You can check out the GitHub page for more information on the other features of Dejavu as well as its comparison with other data browsers.

After this update, the team is focusing on completely rewriting Dejavu to improve its performance. The browser will then support multi-index and full cluster views out of the box. It will allow a configurable page size view while supporting a mobile responsive view mode.

You can head over to their Github Page to know more about the features of this release.

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