24 min read

Just recently, I found myself in a data migration project that served as an eye-opener. Our team had to migrate a customer system that utilized Act! and Peachtree. Both systems are not very famous for having good accessibility to their data. In fact, Peachtree is a non-SQL database that does not enforce data consistency. Act! also uses a proprietary table system that is based on a non-SQL database.

The general migration logic was rather straightforward. However, our team found that the migration and consolidation of data into the new system posed multiple challenges, not only on the technical front, but also for the customer when it came to verifying the data. We used the on-the-edge tool xFusion Studio for data migration. This tool allows migrating and synchronizing data by using simple and advanced SQL data messaging techniques. The xFusion Studio tool has a graphical representation of how the data flows from the source to the target. When I looked at one section of this graphical representation, I started humming the song Welcome to the Jungle.

Take a look at the following screenshot and find out why Guns and Roses may have provided the soundtrack for this data migration project:

Data Migration Scenarios in SAP Business ONE Application- part 1

What we learned from the above screenshot is quite obvious and I have dedicated this article to helping you overcome these potential issues. Keep it simple and focus on information rather than data. You know that just by having more data does not always mean you’ve added more information. Sometimes, it just means a data jungle has been created. Making the right decisions at key milestones during the migration can keep the project simple and guarantee the success. Your goal should be to consolidate the islands of data into a more efficient and consistent database that provides real-time information.

What you will learn about data migration

In order to accomplish the task of migrating data from different sources into SAP Business ONE application, a strategy must be designed that addresses the individual needs of the project at hand. The data migration strategy uses proven processes and templates. The data migration itself can be managed as a mini project depending on the complexity. During the course of this article, the following key topics will be covered. The goal is to help you make crucial decisions, which will keep a project simple and manageable:

  • Position the data migration tasks in the project plan – We will start by positioning the data migration tasks in the project plan. I will further define the required tasks that you need to complete as a part of the data migration.
  • Data types and scenarios – With the general project plan structure in place, it is time to cover the common terms related to data migration. I will introduce you to the main aspects, such as master data and transactional data, as well as the impact they have on the complexity of data migration.
  • SAP tools available for migration – During the course of our case study, I will introduce you to the data migration tools that come with SAP. However, there are also more advanced tools for complex migrations. You will learn about the main player in this area and how to use it.
  • Process of migration – To avoid problems and guarantee success, the data migration project must follow a proven procedure. We will update the project plan to include the procedure and will also use the process during our case study.
  • Making decisions about what data to bring – I mentioned that it is important to focus on information versus data. With the knowledge of the right tools and procedures, it is a good time to summarize the primary known issues and explain how to tackle them.

The project plan

We are still progressing in Phase 2 – Analysis and Design. The data migration is positioned in the Solution Architecture section and is called Review Data Conversion Needs (Amount and Type of Data). A thorough evaluation of the data conversion needs will also cover the next task in the project plan called Review Integration Points with any 3rd Party Solution.

As you can see, the data migration task stands as a small task in the project plan. But as mentioned earlier, it can wind up being a large project depending on the number and size of data sources that need to be migrated. To honor this, we will add some more details to this task.

As the task name suggests, we must review data conversion needs and identify the amount and type of data. This simple task must be structured in phases, just like the entire project that is structured in phases. Therefore, data migration needs to go through the following phases to be successful:

  • 1. Design – Identify all of the Data Sources
  • 2. Extraction of data into Excel or SQL for review and consistency
  • 3. Review of Data and Verification(Via Customer Feedback)
  • 4. Load into SAP System and Verification

Note that the validation process and the consequential load could be iterative processes. For example, if the validated data has many issues, it only makes sense to perform a load into SAP if an additional verification takes place before the load. You only want to load data into an SAP system for testing if you know the quality of the records going to be loaded is good. Therefore, new phases were added in the project plan (seen below). Please do this in your project too based on the actual complexity and the number of data sources you have.

A thorough look at the tasks above will be provided when we talk about the process of migration. Before we do that, the basic terms related to data migration will be covered.

Data sources—where is my data

There is a great variety in the potential types data sources. We will now identify the most common sources and explain their key characteristics. However, if there is a source that is not mentioned here, you can still migrate the data easily by transitioning it into one of the following formats.

Microsoft Excel and text data migration

The most common format for data migration is Excel, or text-based files. Text-based files are formatted using commas or tabs as field separators. When a comma is used as a field separator, the file format is referred to as Comma Separated Values (CSV).

Most of the migration templates and strategies are based on Excel files that have specific columns where you can manually enter data, or copy and paste larger chunks. Therefore, if there is any way for you to extract data from your current system and present it in Excel, you have already done a great deal of data migration work.

Microsoft Access

An Access database is essentially an Excel sheet on a larger scale with added data consistency capability. It is a good idea to consider extracting Access tables to Excel in order to prepare for data migration.


If you have very large sets of data, then instead of using Excel, we usually employ an SQL database. The database then has a set of tables instead of Excel sheets. Using SQL tables, we can create SQL statements that can verify data and analyze results sets. Please note that you can use any SQL database, such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB, and so on.

SaaS (Netsuite, Salesforce)

SaaS stands for Software as a Service. Essentially, it means you can use software functionality based on a subscription. However, you don’t own the solution. All of the hardware and software is installed at the service center, so you don’t need to worry about hardware and software maintenance. However, keep in mind that these services don’t allow you to manage the service packs according to your requirements. You need to adjust your business to the schedule of the SaaS company. If you are migrating from a modern SaaS solution, such as Salesforce or Netsuite, you will probably know that the data is not at your site, but rather stored at your solution hosting provider. Getting the data out to migrate to another solution may be done by obtaining reports, which could then be saved in an Excel format.

Other legacy data

The term legacy data is often mentioned when evaluating larger old systems. Legacy data basically comprises a large set of data that a company is using on mostly obsolete systems.

AS/400 or Mainframe

The IBM AS/400 is a good example of a legacy data source. Experts who are capable of extracting data from these systems are highly sought after, and so the budget must be on a higher scale. AS/400 data can often be extracted into a text or an Excel format. However, the data may come without headings. The headings are usually documented in a file that describes the data. You need to make sure that you get the file definitions, without which the pure text files may be meaningless. In addition, the media format is worth considering. An older AS/400 system may utilize a backup tape format which is not available on your Intel server.

Peachtree, QuickBooks, and Act!

Another potential source for data migration may be a smaller PC-based system, such as Peachtree, QuickBooks, or Act!. These systems have a different data format, and are based on non-SQL databases. This means the data cannot be accessed via SQL. In order to extract data from those systems, the proprietary API must be used. For example, if Peachtree displays data in the applications forms, it uses the program logic to put the pieces together from different text files. Getting data out from these types of systems is difficult and sometimes impossible. It is recommended to employ the relevant API to access the data in a structured way.

You may want to run reports and export the results to text or Excel.

Data classification in SAP Business ONE

There are two main groups of data that we will migrate to the SAP Business ONE application: master data and transaction data.

Master data

Master data is the basic information that SAP Business ONE uses to record transactions (for example, business partner information). In addition, information about your products, such as items, finished goods, and raw materials are considered master data. Master data should always be migrated if possible. It can easily be verified and structured in an Excel or SQL format. For example, the data could be displayed using Excel sheets. You can then quickly verify that the data is showing up in the correct columns. In addition, you can see if the data is broken down into its required components. For example, each Excel column should represent a target field in SAP Business ONE. You should avoid having a single column in Excel that provides data for more than one target in SAP Business ONE.

Transaction data

Transaction data are proposals, orders, invoices, deliveries, and other similar information that comprise a combination of master data to create a unique business document. Customers often will want to migrate historical transactions from older systems. However, the consequences of doing this may have a landslide effect. For example, inventory is valuated based on specific settings in the finance section of a system. If these settings are not identical in the new system, transactions may look different in the old and the new system. This makes the migration very risky as the data verification becomes difficult on the customer side.

I recommend making historical transactions available via a reporting database. For example, often, sales history must be available when migrating data. You can create a reporting database that provides sales history information. The user can use this data via reports within the SAP Business ONE application. Therefore, closed transactions should be migrated via a reporting database . Closed transactions are all of the business-related activities that were fully completed in the old system. Open transactions, on the other hand, are all of the business-related activities that are currently not completed. It makes sense that the open transactions be migrated directly to SAP, and not to a history database because they will be completed within the new SAP system. As a result of the data migration, you would be able to access sales history information from within SAP by accessing a reporting database. Open transactions will be completed within SAP, and then consequently lead to new transactions in SAP.

Create a history database for sales history and manually enter open transactions.


Now that we know the main data types for an SAP migration, and the most common sources, we can take a brief look at the way the data is inserted into the SAP system. Based on the SAP guidelines, you are not allowed to insert data directly in the underlying SQL tables. The reason for that is that it can cause inconsistencies. When SAP works with the database, multiple tables are often updated. If you manually update a table to insert data, there is a good chance that another table has a link that also requires updating. Therefore, unless you know the exact table structure for the data you are trying to update, don’t mess with the SAP SQL tables. If you carefully read this and understand the table structure, you will now know that there may be situations where you decide to access the tables directly. If you decide to insert data directly into the SAP database tables, you run the risk of losing your warranty.

Migration scenarios and key decisions

Data migration not only takes place as a part of a new SAP implementation, but also if you have a running system and you want to import leads or a list of new items. Therefore, it is a good idea to learn about the scenarios that you may come across and be able to select the right migration and integration tools. As outlined before, data can be divided into two groups: master data and transaction data. It is important that you separate the two, and structure each data migration accordingly. Master data is an essential component for manifesting transactions. Therefore, even if you need to bring over transactional data, the master data must already be in place. Always start with the master data alongside a verification procedure, and then continue with the relevant transaction data. Let’s now briefly look at the most common situations where you may require the evaluation of potential data migration options.

New company (start-up)

In this setup, you may not have extensive amounts of existing data to migrate. However, you may want to bring over lead lists or lists of items. During the course of this article, we will import a list of leads into SAP using the Excel Import functionality. Many new companies require the capability to easily import data into SAP. As you already know by now, the import of leads and item information will be considered as importing master data. Working with this master data by entering sales orders and so forth, would constitute transaction data. Transaction data is considered closed if all of the relevant actions are performed. For example, a sales order is considered closed if the items are delivered, invoiced, and paid for. If the chain of events is not complete, the transaction is open.

Islands of data scenario

This is the classic situation for an SAP implementation. You will first need to identify the available data sources and their formats. Then, you select the master data you want to bring over. With multiple islands of data, an SAP master record may result from more than one source. A business partner record may come, in part, from an existing accounting system, such as QuickBooks or Peachtree. Whereas other parts may come from a CRM system, such as Act!. For example, the billing information may be retrieved from the finance system and the relevant lead and sales information, such as specific contacts and notes, may come from the CRM system. In such a case, you need to merge this information into a new consistent master record in SAP. For this situation, first manually put the pieces together. Once the manual process works, you can attempt to automate the process. Don’t try to directly import all of the data. You should always establish an intermediary level that allows for data verification. Only then import the data into SAP. For example, if you have QuickBooks and Act!, first merge the information into Excel for verification, and then import it into SAP. If the amount of data is large, you can also establish an SQL database. In that case, the Excel sheets would be replaced by SQL tables.

IBM legacy data migration

The migration of IBM legacy data is potentially the most challenging because the IBM systems are not directly compatible with Windows-based systems. Therefore, almost naturally, you will establish a text-based, or an Excel-formatted, representation of the IBM data. You can then proceed with verifying the information.

SQL migration

The easiest migration type is obviously the one where all of the data is already structured and consistent. However, you will not always have documentation of the table structure where the data resides. In this case, you need to create queries against the SQL tables to verify the data. The queries can then be saved as views. The views you create should always represent a consistent set of information that you can migrate.

For example, if you have one table with address information, and another table with customer ID fields, you can create a view that consolidates this information into a single consistent set.

Process of migration for your project

I briefly touched upon the most common data migration scenarios so you can get a feel for the process. As you can see, whatever the source of data is, we always attempt to create an intermediary platform that allows the data to be verified. This intermediary platform is most commonly Excel or an SQL database. The process of data migration has the following subtasks:

  1. Identify available data sources
  2. Structure data into master data and transaction data
  3. Establish an intermediary platform with Excel or SQL
  4. Verify data
  5. Match data columns with Excel templates
  6. Run migration based on templates and verify data

Based on this procedure, I have added more detail to the project plan. As you can see in this example, based on the required level of detail, we can make adjustments to the project plan to address the requirements:

Data Migration Scenarios in SAP Business ONE Application- part 1

SAP standard import features

Let’s take a look at the available data exchange features in SAP. SAP provides two main tools for data migration. The fi rst option is to use the available menu in the SAP Business ONE client interface to exchange data. The other option is to use the Data Transfer Workbench (DTW).

Standard import/export features— walk-through

You can reach the Import from Excel form via Administration | Data Import/Export. As you can see in the following screenshot on the right top section of the form, the type of import is a drop-down selection. The options are BP and Items. In the screenshot, we have selected BP, which allows business partner information to be imported. There are drop-down fields that you can select based on the data you want to import. However, keep in mind that certain fields are mandatory, such as the BP Code field, whereas others are optional. The fields you select are associated with a column as you can see here:

Data Migration Scenarios in SAP Business ONE Application- part 1

If you want to find out if a field is mandatory or not, simply open SAP and attempt to enter the data directly in the relevant SAP form. For example, if you are trying to import business partner information, enter the fields you want to import and see if the record can be saved. If you are missing any mandatory fields, SAP will provide an error message. You can modify the data that you are planning to import based on that. When you click on the OK button in the Import from Excel form (seen above), the Excel sheet with all of the data needs to be selected. In the following screenshot, you can see how the Excel sheet in our example looks. For example, column A has all of the BP Codes. This is in line with the mapping of columns to fields that we can see on the Import from Excel form.

Data Migration Scenarios in SAP Business ONE Application- part 1

Please note that the file we select must be in a .txt format. For this example, I used the Save As feature in Excel (seen in the following screenshot) to save the file in the Text MS-DOS (*.txt) format. I was then able to select the BP Migration.txt file. This is actually a good thing because it points to the fact that you can use any application that can save data in the .txt format as the data source.

The following screenshot shows the Save As screen:

Data Migration Scenarios in SAP Business ONE Application- part 1

I imported the file and a success message confirms that the records were imported into SAP:

A subsequent check in SAP confirms that the BP records that I had in the text file are now available in SAP:

In the example, we only used two records. It is recommended to start out with a limited number of records to verify that the import is working. Therefore, you may start by reducing your import file to five records. This has the advantage of the import not taking a long time and you can immediately verify the result. See the following screenshot:

Sometimes, it is not clear what kind of information SAP expects when importing. For example, at first Lead, Customer, Vendor were used in Column C to indicate the type of BP that was to be imported. However, this resulted in an error message upon completion of the import. Therefore, system information was activated to check what information SAP requires for the BP Type representation. As you can see in the screenshot of the Excel sheet you get when you click on the OK button in the Import from Excel form, the BP Type information is indicated by only one letter using L, C, or V. In the example screenshot above, you can clearly see L in the lower left section. The same thing is done for Country in the Addresses section. You can try that by navigating to Administration | Sales | Countries, and then hovering over the country you will be importing. In my example, USA was internally represented by SAP as US. It is a minor issue. However, when importing data, all of these issues need to be addressed.

Please note that the file you are trying to import should not be open in Excel at the same time, as this may trigger an error.

The Excel or text file does not have a header with a description of the data.

Standard import/export features for your own project

SAP’s standard import functionality for business partners and items is very straightforward. For your own project, you can prepare an Excel sheet for business partners and items. If you need to import BP or item information from another system, you can get this done quickly.

If you get an error during the import process, try to manually enter the data in SAP. In addition, you can use the System Information feature to identify how SAP stores information in the database.

I recommend you first create an Excel sheet with a maximum of two records to see if the basic information and data format is correct. Once you have this running, you can add all of the data you want to import.

Overall, this functionality is a quick way to get your own data into the system.

This feature can also be used in case you regularly receive address information. For example, if you have salespeople visiting trade fairs, you can provide them with the Excel sheet that you may have prepared for BP import. The salespeople can directly add their information there. Once they return from the trade fair with the Excel fi les, you can easily import the information into SAP and schedule follow-up activities using the Opportunity Management System.

The item import is useful if you work with a vendor who updates his or her price lists and item information on a monthly basis. You can prepare an Excel template where the item information will regularly be entered and you can easily import the updates into SAP.

Data Migration Workbench (DTW)

The SAP standard import/export features are straightforward, but may not address the full complexity of the data that you need to import. For this situation, you may want to evaluate the SAP Data Migration Workbench (DTW). The functionality of this tool provides a greater level of detail to address the potential data structures that you want to import. To understand the basic concept of the DTW, it is a good idea to look at the different master data sections in SAP as business objects. A business object groups related information together. For example, BP information can have much more detail than what was previously shown in the standard import.

The DTW templates and business objects

To better understand the business object metaphor, you need to navigate to the DTW directory and evaluate the Templates folder. The templates are organized by business objects. The oBusinessPartners business object is represented by the folder with the same name (seen below). In this folder, you can find Excel template files that can be used to provide information for this type of business object. The following objects are available as Excel templates:

  • BPAccountReceivables
  • BPAddresses
  • BPBankAccounts
  • BPPaymentDates
  • BPPaymentMethods
  • BPWithholdingTax
  • BusinessPartners
  • ContactEmployees

Please notice that these templates are Excel .xlt files, which is the Excel template extension.

It is a good idea to browse through the list of templates and see the relevant templates. In a nutshell, you essentially add your own data to the templates and use DTW to import the data.

Connecting to DTW

In order to work with DTW, you need to connect to your SAP system using the DTW interface. The following screenshot shows the parameters I used to connect to the Lemonade Stand database:

Data Migration Scenarios in SAP Business ONE Application- part 1

Once you are connected, a wizard-type interface walks you through the required steps to get started. Look at the next screenshot:

Data Migration Scenarios in SAP Business ONE Application- part 1

The DTW examples and templates

There is also an example folder in the DTW installation location on your system. This example folder has information about how to add information to your Excel templates. The following screenshot shows an example for business partner migration.

You can see that the Excel template does have a header line on top that explains the content in the particular column. The actual template files also have comments in the header fi le, which provide information about the data format expected, such as String, Date, and so on. See the example in this screenshot:

Data Migration Scenarios in SAP Business ONE Application- part 1

The actual template is empty and you need to add your information as shown here:


Data Migration Scenarios in SAP Business ONE Application- part 1

DTW for your own project

If you realize that the basic import features in SAP are not sufficient, and your requirements are more challenging, evaluate DTW. Think of the data you want to import as business objects where information is logically grouped. If you are able to group your data together, you can modify the Excel templates with your own information. The DTW example folder provides working examples that you can use to get started. Please note that you should establish a test database before you start importing data this way. This is because once new data arrives in SAP, you need to verify the results based on the procedure discussed earlier. In addition, be prepared to fine-tune the import. Often, an import and data verification process takes four attempts of data importing and verification.


In this article, we covered the tasks related to data migration. This also included some practical examples for simple data imports related to business partner information and items. In addition, more advanced topics were covered by introducing the SAP DTW (Data Transfer Workbench) and the related aspects to get you started. During the course of this article, we positioned the data migration task in the project plan. The project plan was then fine-tuned with more detail to give some justice to the potential complexity of a data migration project. The data migration tasks established a process, from design to data mapping and verification of the data. Notably, the establishment of an intermediary data platform was recommended for your projects. This will help you verify data at each step of the migration. The key message of keeping it simple will be the basis for every migration project. The data verification task ensures simplicity and the quality of your data.

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