2 min read

Please refer to an earlier article by the author to learn how to build queries visually.

Creating a View from an Existing Query

To create a view from a query, you must have executed the query successfully. To be more precise, the view is created from the latest successfully executed query, not necessarily from the query currently in the Query Area. To further clarify, the following three examples are cases where the view is not created from the current query:

  • Your current query fails, and immediately after you create a view from the query. The view created is not from the failed query. If the failed query is the first query in your MySQL Query Browser session, you can’t create any view.
  • You have just moved forward or backward the query in the Query Area without executing it, and then your current query is not the latest successfully executed.
  • You open a saved query that you have never executed successfully in your active Resultset.

Additionally, if you’re changing your Resultset, the view created is from the latest successfully executed query that uses the currently active Resultset to display its output.

To make sure your view is from the query you want, select the query, confirm it as written in the Query Area, execute the query, and then, immediately create its view.

You create a view from an existing query by selecting Query | Create View from Select from the Menu bar.

Creating a View with MySQL Query Browser

Type in the name you want to give to the view, and then click Create View. MySQL Query Browser creates the view.

Creating a View with MySQL Query Browser

When successfully created, you can see the view in the Schemata.

Creating a View with MySQL Query Browser

You can modify a view by editing it: Right-click the view and select Edit View.

Creating a View with MySQL Query Browser

You can edit the CREATE view statement by right-clicking it and select Edit View.

Creating a View with MySQL Query Browser

The CREATE view statement opens in its Script tab. When you finish editing, you can execute the modified view. If successful, the existing view is replaced with the modified one.

Creating a View with MySQL Query Browser

To replace the view you’re editing with the modified view, change the name of the view before you execute it. If you want to keep the view you’re editing, remove the DROP VIEW statement.

Creating a View with MySQL Query Browser


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