2 min read

Bug status

The next report we are going to undertake is the report to show open issues compared to all bugs. What we are trying to build here is a graph that shows, by category, the bugs that are open in relation to the total number of bugs for that category. No other grouping is required. Under the graph, we also want to show a list of open bugs that we can click on and have them drill down to the detail for that bug so that we can see the history of changes to that bug.

What this means is we need a bar graph showing all the status.

  1. Open BugzillaReportsTemplate.rptTemplate and save as bugStatusReport.rptDesign.
  2. Drag getAllBugs over to the Report Designer.
    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an extension
  3. Delete all columns except the bug_status field and short_desc field.
    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an extension
  4. In the table, group data by the components’ name.
    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an extension
  5. With the new category created in the Table, insert a new column on the right. Delete the header labels. Move the data fields to look like the following screenshot:
    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an extension
  6. In the Outline tab, select the root element. Apply bugZillaTheme.
  7. In the group header row with the name, apply the DetailTableHeader style.
    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an extension
  8. In the Detail row, apply the DetailTableRow style.
  9. In the header row, select all the cells and merge them.
    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an extension
  10. In to the new merged cell, insert a chart.

    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an extension

  11. Select a Bar Chart and change the Output Format to PNG.

    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an extension

  12. Open the Select Data tab.
  13. Set the Inherit Data from Container drop-down list to Inherit Columns Only.
  14. Drag the bug_status field to the Optional Y Series Grouping slot.
  15. Drag the name field to the Category (X) Series slot.

    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an Extension

  16. Click on the Edit group and sorting button.
  17. In the Group and sorting dialog, check the Enabled checkbox.
  18. Set the Type to Text.
  19. Set the Interval to 0.
  20. Set the Aggregate Expression to Count.

    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an Extension

  21. As the Value (Y) Series, enter 1.
    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an Extension
  22. Under the Format Chart tab, go to Title. Enter the title as Bug Status Report.

    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an Extension

  23. Select the Axis option.
  24. Under X-Axis, check the Stagger checkbox.
    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an Extension
  25. Click Finish.
  26. Resize the chart to fit the number of categories.
    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an Extension
  27. The last thing we need to do is add the drill-through from the descriptions to the bug detail. Select the short_desc data item in the report designer.

    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an Extension

  28. Under the Property Editor, select the Hyperlink tab.
    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an Extension
  29. Click on the Edit… button next to Link To.
  30. From the Hyperlink dialog, select the Drill-through as Hyperlink type.
  31. Select BugzillaDetailReport.rptDesign as the target report.

    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an Extension

  32. Set up the target report parameter bugID to be linked to row[“bug_id”].

    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an Extension

  33. Click OK and save the report
    Creating a Reporting Site using BIRT-an Extension


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