Categories: Tutorials

Connecting with people

5 min read

(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)

Posting an update

To post an Update (the default action) just type your message as follows into the box:

That’s almost all. Well, okay, we do need to specify who it goes to. In this example-a thank you note to the office staff — I chose the Office group (the drop-down menu shows the groups, click on the little arrow to see them all). Then just click on the Update button and it’s done.

The published post looks similar to the following screenshot and appears in my feed (as I posted it) but also in the feeds of everyone in the Office group, who enjoy their well-deserved pat on the back.

Posting a photo or other graphics

An old cliché concerns a picture being worth a thousand words. Actually, due to inflation, a picture is worth about 1500 words these days.

There are many reasons to add photos, charts, figures, drawings, and so on to posts. To do so, click on the File tab below the post box (it appears when you click in the post box to start a message). Here you can upload a file (photos are a type of file), select one from those that might already be in your company’s Yammer network, or select a page on Yammer. Use the top selection to upload a photo (highlighted in the following screenshot):

In this post I want to let everyone in the company know about the new server rack (which we actually recently added). So I type a short message, click on Upload a file from your computer (which opens the standard file selection dialog box provided by your specific operating system). Then I choose and upload a file as you do in any other application.

I select the group (over in the left-hand side column) All Company, which by default, makes the post visible to the entire company. The picture is represented by a small thumbnail attached to the post. Clicking on the thumbnail expands it as shown in the following screenshot:

Clicking in the post box also reveals as shown in the following screenshot, +Add people to notify (this lets us search for specific people to message) and Search for topics… (this lets us find or create topics like shipping, production, or any other word or term that narrows down what your post is about). We also see the group selection drop-down menu, and the Update button that publishes your post.

Commenting and complimenting

The third type of post is praising someone. There are two ways of doing this:

  1. Originate: Above the posting input box click on Praise Someone (see the following screenshot). Enter their name and what you are praising them for.

  2. In addition to creating posts, we want to comment on other peoples’ posts similar to the following screenshot. Just click on Reply to open the box for typing. You can also add a photo or other type of file, just like when posting an original message, or search for other people (use the paperclip icon with Add File next to it for that).

Yes we LIKE that

If we want to just show approval, we click on Like (see the previous section and, yes, it is the same thing as on Facebook). We can also search for other people to add (that is we share Sally’s post with them).

Learning more

There are many options you would like to see that are shown in the following screenshot and described as follows:

  • Add Topics: This option lets us further categorize the post (when your company has thousands upon thousands of posts, you’ll really appreciate the topics, which help narrow down the posts to those of a particular interest)

  • View Conversation: This option lets us see all the posts related to this one so we can follow the thread of the conversation

  • Bookmark: This is just that, it lets us easily find this post again

  • Email Me: This sends a copy of the post to your e-mail

  • Delete: This deletes the post (if you have the administrator’s permissions to do so)—use it carefully

Moving the cursor about a persons name who has created a post reveals information about him or her, plus gives you a link to send them a private message. A green check shows you are following them. If not you can follow them by clicking on the button. It toggles to following so you can unfollow people also.

Receiving notifications

At the top of the Yammer screen is a useful bar with several items on it as shown in the following screenshot:

To the right-hand side of the Yammer logo are two notification icons. The first shows we have one private message and the second (the bell icon) indicates the system has a message for us also. Just click on the icon to see them.


he Search box allows us to search the company network for people, topics, and the like.

Using the bottom line

On the very bottom of the Yammer screen, we find the line pictured as shown in the following screenshot:

All the links on the right-hand side in the previous screenshot are general links to Yammer’s site. Feel free to explore those and learn more about the Yammer concept as well as keeping up with the latest news and features about Yammer in general.


Using all the tasks in this article gives us a head start in using Yammer on a daily basis. A few times posting or doing these actions and you’ll quickly be an expert.

Resources for Article :

Further resources on this subject:


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