Full-Stack Web Development

Full-stack Web Development embodies every aspect of web development, from Front-End to Server-Side and everything in between. With so many changes in technologies like Angular, MongoDB and Express it’s hard to keep track. As a result, Packt Hub brings you the latest news, updates and insights to help you. We provide tutorials and more to help you master stacks like MEAN and MERN.

Working with Binding data and UI elements in Silverlight 4

Binding data to another UI element Sometimes, the value of the property of an element is directly dependent on the value of the property of...

Data Manipulation in Silverlight 4 Data Grid

Displaying data in a customized DataGrid Displaying data is probably the most straightforward task we can ask the DataGrid to do for us. In this...

Building a Simple Address Book Application with jQuery and PHP

Let's get along. The application folder will be made up of five files: addressbook.css addressbook.html addressbook.php addressbook.js jquery.js Addressbook.css will contain the css for the interface styling, addressbook.html will contain the...

AJAX Form Validation: Part 2

How to implement AJAX form validation In this article, we redesigned the code for making AJAX requests when creating the XmlHttp class. The AJAX form...

AJAX Form Validation: Part 1

The server is the last line of defense against invalid data, so even if you implement client-side validation, server-side validation is mandatory. The JavaScript...

Implementing AJAX Grid using jQuery data grid plugin jqGrid

In this article by Audra Hendrix, Bogdan Brinzarea and Cristian Darie, authors of AJAX and PHP: Building Modern Web Applications 2nd Edition, we will...

AJAX Chat Implementation: Part 1

Lets get started. We'll keep the application simple, modular, and extensible. We won't implement a login module, support for chat rooms, the online users...

AJAX Chat Implementation: Part 2

Create a new file named index.html, and add this code to it: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xml_lang="en" lang="en"> <head> ...

Calendars in jQuery 1.3 with PHP using jQuery Week Calendar Plugin: Part 2

Deleting events After creating, moving, and editing events, we might come across a case where the edit form is different from the create form. There...

Calendars in jQuery 1.3 with PHP using jQuery Week Calendar Plugin: Part 1

There are many reasons why you would want to display a calendar. You can use it to display upcoming events, to keep a diary,...

Must Read in Web Dev

Learning Essential Linux Commands for Navigating the Shell Effectively 

Once we learn how to deploy an Ubuntu server, how to manage users, and how to manage software packages, we should take a moment...
