Front-End Web Development

Front-end web development is all about how the world sees your project. Finding the right front-end web framework can be difficult for developers. As a result, Packt Hub provides the latest news and updates around tools like Angular and React to keep you up to date. From JavaScript‘s latest updates to the evolution of how browsers such as Firefox and Chrome display your code, we’ve got all the latest news and insights in one place.

Extending Search Engine Optimization using Sitemaps in Drupal 6

We have discussed some of the techniques earlier in Search Engine Optimization using Sitemaps in Drupal 6 article which mainly covered XML sitemaps. The Google...

Elgg Social Networking – Installation

Installing Elgg In addition to its impressive feature list, Elgg is an admin's dolly. In this tutorial by Mayank Sharma, we will see how Elgg...

PHx (Place Holders extended) in MODx

PHx in action Let us learn our need of PHx by building a new functionality for our site that lets us add profiles of our...

Overview of CherryPy – A Web Application Server (Part1)

Vocabulary In order to avoid misunderstandings, we need to define a few key words that will be used. Keyword Definition Web server A web server is the interface dealing...

Overview of CherryPy – A Web Application Server (Part2)

Library CherryPy comes with a set of modules covering common tasks when building a web application such as session management, static resource service, encoding handling,...

Customizing Elgg Themes

Why Customize? Elgg ships with a professional looking and slick grayish-blue default theme. Depending on how you want to use Elgg, you'd like your network...

In-place Editing using PHP and

An introduction to the in-place editing feature In-place editing means making the content available for editing just by clicking on it. We hover on the...

Adapting to User Devices Using Mobile Web Technology

Luigi's Pizza On The Run mobile shop is working well now. And he wants to adapt it to different mobile devices. Let's look at...

Catalyst Web Framework: Building Your Own Model

Extending a DBIx::Class Model A common occurrence is a situation in which your application has free reign over most of the database, but needs to...

Users, Profiles, and Connections in Elgg

Connecting to Friends and Users I hope you're convinced how important friends are to a social network. Initially, you'll have to manually invite your friends...

Must Read in Web Dev

Learning Essential Linux Commands for Navigating the Shell Effectively 

Once we learn how to deploy an Ubuntu server, how to manage users, and how to manage software packages, we should take a moment...
