Front-End Web Development

Front-end web development is all about how the world sees your project. Finding the right front-end web framework can be difficult for developers. As a result, Packt Hub provides the latest news and updates around tools like Angular and React to keep you up to date. From JavaScript‘s latest updates to the evolution of how browsers such as Firefox and Chrome display your code, we’ve got all the latest news and insights in one place.

Energy Efficiency Concept

How to handle exceptions and synchronization methods with Selenium WebDriver API

One of the areas often misunderstood, but is important in framework design is exception handling. Users must program into their tests and methods on...
operator overloading in kotlin

Angular 7 is now stable

After releasing Angular 7 beta in August, the Angular team released the stable version of Angular 7 yesterday. This version comes with a DoBootstrap...
Will Grant on UX in 2019

Streamline your application development process in 5 simple steps

Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are under constant pressure to deliver substantial results that meet business goals. Planning a project and seeing it through to...
Ionic Framework 4.0 released

Ionic Framework 4.0 has just been released, now backed by Web Components, not Angular

Ionic Framework today released Ionic Framework 4.0. The release is a complete rebuild of the popular JavaScript framework for developing mobile and desktop apps....

Building Your First Zend Framework Application

(For more resources related to this topic, see here.) Prerequisites Before you get started with setting up your first ZF2 Project, make sure that you have...
Technical computer internet support service

Pi-hole 4.3.2 removes adblock style lists support and implements many core and web interface...

Last week, Pi-hole, the open-source Linux network-level advertisement and internet tracker blocking application released their latest version Pi-hole 4.3.2. It includes many changes in...

Interfacing React Components with Angular Applications

There's been talk lately of using React as the view within Angular's MVC architecture. Angular, as we all know, uses dirty checking. As I'll...

Free Web Development eBooks

So you want to get into web development - but where do you even start to begin? The world of web development has never been...

Using React.js without JSX

React.js was clearly designed with JSX in mind, however, there are plenty of good reasons to use React without it. Using React as a standalone...

Introducing Howler.js, a Javascript audio library with full cross-browser support

Developed by GoldFire Studios, Howler.js is an audio library for the modern web that makes working with audio in JavaScript easy and reliable across...

Must Read in Web Dev

Learning Essential Linux Commands for Navigating the Shell Effectively 

Once we learn how to deploy an Ubuntu server, how to manage users, and how to manage software packages, we should take a moment...
