
Read the latest Cybersecurity news on the Packt Hub. We feature up-to-date articles on IT security and hacking. We also feature the latest software security updates and cyber security threats.

Ecuador data breach

NordVPN reveals it was affected by a data breach in 2018

NordVPN, a popular Virtual Private Network revealed that it was subject to a data breach in 2018. The breach came to light a few...
phishing attack

Mobile-aware phishing campaign targets UNICEF, the UN, and many other humanitarian organizations

A few days ago researchers from the Lookout Phishing AI reported a mobile-aware phishing campaign that targets non-governmental organizations around the world including UNICEF,...
Security lock data

Adobe confirms security vulnerability in one of their Elasticsearch servers that exposed 7.5 million...

Last week, Adobe admitted of being the victim of a serious security incident exposing the personal information of nearly 7.5 million users. The information...
google apps on a screen

Google releases patches for two high-level security vulnerabilities in Chrome, one of which is...

Last week, Google notified its users that the ‘stable channel’ desktop Chrome browser is being updated to version 78.0.3904.87 for Windows, Mac, and Linux...

Researchers reveal Light Commands: laser-based audio injection attacks on voice-control devices like Alexa, Siri...

Researchers from the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo and the University of Michigan released a paper on Monday, that gives alarming cues about the...
biometric fingerprint

Yubico reveals Biometric YubiKey at Microsoft Ignite

On Tuesday, at the ongoing Microsoft Ignite, Yubico, the leading provider of authentication and encryption hardware, announced the long-awaited YubiKey Bio. YubiKey Bio is...

The state of the Cybersecurity skills gap heading into 2020

Just this year, several high-profile cyber breaches exposed confidential information and resulted in millions of dollars in damages. Cybersecurity is more important than ever...
machine learning for cybersecurity

Introducing SaltStack Protect, a new SecOps solution for automated discovery and remediation of security...

On Tuesday, SaltStack, the creators of intelligent automation for IT operations and security teams, announced the general availability of SaltStack Protect. SaltStack Protect is...

Project Zero shares a detailed analysis of the use-after-free Android Binder vulnerability that affected...

Yesterday, Maddie Stone, a Security Researcher in the Google Project Zero team shared a detailed analysis of the use-after-free Android Binder vulnerability. The vulnerability, tracked...

An unsecured Elasticsearch server exposed 1.2 billion user records containing their personal and social...

Last month, Vinny Troia, the founder of Data Viper and Bob Diachenko, an independent cybersecurity consultant discovered a “wide-open” Elasticsearch server. The server exposed...

Must Read in Security

Top 6 Cybersecurity Books from Packt to Accelerate Your Career

With new technology threats, rising international tensions, and state-sponsored cyber-attacks, cybersecurity is more important than ever. In organizations worldwide, there is not only a dire need for cybersecurity...

Win-KeX Version 2.0 from Kali Linux
