
Packt Hub provides the latest Cryptography news direct from the industry. We provide news and insights into new cryptographic libraries like Tink and more.


Say hello to Sequoia: a new Rust based OpenPGP library to secure your apps

GnuPG developers have recently begun working on Sequoia, a new OpenPGP implementation in Rust. OpenPGP is an open, free version of the Pretty Good...
NetSpectre attack exploits data from CPU memory

NetSpectre attack exploits data from CPU memory

After the recent SpectreRSB attack on Intel, AMD, and ARM CPUs, a group of security researchers have found a new Spectre variant in town...
A plane with Oracle symbol

Oracle makes its Blockchain cloud service generally available

After the first preview of its Blockchain Cloud Service at OpenWorld last October, Oracle has confirmed the general release and availability of its Blockchain...

Protect your TCP tunnel by implementing AES encryption with Python [Tutorial]

TCP (Transfer Communication Protocol) is used to streamline important communications. TCP works with the Internet Protocol (IP), which defines how computers send packets of data...

Must Read in Security

Top 6 Cybersecurity Books from Packt to Accelerate Your Career

With new technology threats, rising international tensions, and state-sponsored cyber-attacks, cybersecurity is more important than ever. In organizations worldwide, there is not only a dire need for cybersecurity...

Win-KeX Version 2.0 from Kali Linux
