Building Mobile Games with Crafty.js and PhoneGap, Part 3
In this post, we will build upon what we learned in our previous series on using Crafty.js, HTML5, JavaScript, and PhoneGap to make a...
Building Mobile Games with Crafty.js and PhoneGap: Part 1
In this post, we will build a mobile game using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. To make things easier, we are going to make use...
Building Mobile Games with Crafty.js and PhoneGap – Part 2
Building Mobile Games with Crafty.js and PhoneGap - Part 2
Let’s continue making a simple turn-based RPG-like game based on Pascal Rettig’s Crafty Workshop presentation...
Add a Twitter Sign In To Your iOS App with TwitterKit
What is TwitterKit & Digits?
In this post we take a look at Twitter’s new Sign-in API, TwitterKit and Digits, bundled as part of it’s...
Evenly Spaced Views with Auto Layout in iOS
When the iPhone first came out there was only one screen size to worry about 320, 480. Then the Retina screen was introduced doubling...
How to Make Generic typealiases in Swift
Swift's typealias declarations are a good way to clean up our code. It's generally considered good practice in Swift to use typealiases to give...
Flexible Layouts with Swift and UIStackview
In this post we will build a Sign In and Password Recovery form with a single flexible layout, using Swift and the UIStackView class,...
Delegate Pattern Limitations in Swift
If you've ever built anything using UIKit, then you are probably familiar with the delegate pattern. The delegate pattern is used frequently throughout Apple's...
How to Use Currying in Swift for Fun and Profit
Swift takes inspiration from functional languages in a lot of its features, and one of those features is currying. The idea behind currying is...
Voice Interaction and Android Marshmallow
"Jarvis, play some music."
You might imagine that to be a quote from some Iron Man stories (and hey, that might be an actual quote),...