Cross-Platform Mobile Development

Packt Hub provides the newest insights and opinions from the cross-platform mobile development community. Whether you’re a Xamarin or Titanium developer, we’ll have you covered.

travel app

Create a travel app with Xamarin [Tutorial]

Just like the beginning of many new mobile projects, we will start with an idea. In this tutorial, we will create a new Xamarin.Forms mobile...
fire flame

4 key benefits of using Firebase for mobile app development

A powerful backend solution is essential for building sophisticated mobile apps. In recent years, Firebase has emerged to prominence as a power-packed Backend-as-a-Solution (BaaS),...
Mobile apps

JavaScript mobile frameworks comparison: React Native vs Ionic vs NativeScript

Previously, when you wanted to build for both web and mobile, you would have to invest in separate teams with separate development workflows. Isn't...

React Native Vs Ionic : Which one is the better mobile app development framework?

Today, mobile app development has come a long way, it isn’t the same as it used to be. In earlier days, the development process...
mobile development

React Native VS Xamarin: Which is the better cross-platform mobile development framework?

One of the most debated topics of the current mobile industry is the battle of the two giant app development platforms, Xamarin and React...

How to implement data validation with Xamarin.Forms

In software, data validation is a process that ensures the validity and integrity of user input and usually involves checking that that data is...

Exploring the new .NET Multi-Platform App UI (MAUI) with the Experts

During the 2020 edition of Build, Microsoft revealed its plan for a multi-platform framework called .NET MAUI. This latest framework appears to be an upgraded and transformed version of  Xamarin.Forms, enabling developers to...

Must Read in Mobile

Understanding the Foundation of Protocol-oriented Design

When Apple announced Swift 2 at the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) in 2016, they also declared that Swift was the world’s first protocol-oriented...
