LG introduces Auptimizer, an open-source ML model optimization tool for efficient hyperparameter tuning at...

Last week, researchers from LG’s Advanced AI team open-sourced Auptimizer. It is a general hyperparameter optimization (HPO) framework to help data scientists speed up...

Neo4j introduces Aura, a new cloud service to supply a flexible, reliable and developer-friendly...

Last year, Neo4j had announced the availability of its Enterprise Edition under a commercial license that was aimed at larger companies. Yesterday, the graph...

Microsoft’s Visual Studio IntelliCode gets improved features: Whole-line code completions, AI-assisted refactoring, and more!

At the Ignite 2019, Microsoft shared a few improvements to the Visual Studio IntelliCode, Microsoft’s tool for AI-assisted coding that offers intelligent suggestions to...
genius embed hidden morse code

Introducing Spleeter, a Tensorflow based python library that extracts voice and sound from any...

On Monday, Deezer, a French online music streaming service, released Spleeter which is a music separation engine.  It comes in the form of a...

Introducing PostgREST, a REST API for any PostgreSQL database written in Haskell

Written in Haskell, PostgREST is a standalone web server that enables you to turn your existing PostgreSQL database into a RESTful API. It offers...
AI for games

DeepMind AI’s AlphaStar achieves Grandmaster level in StarCraft II with 99.8% efficiency

Earlier this year in January, Google’s DeepMind AI AlphaStar had defeated two professional players, TLO and MaNa, at StarCraft II, a real-time strategy game....

Netflix open sources Polynote, an IDE-like polyglot notebook with Scala support, Apache Spark integration,...

Last week, Netflix announced the open source launch of Polynote which is a polyglot notebook. It comes with a full scale Scala support, Apache...
Red Hat

Linux Foundation introduces strict telemetry data collection and usage policy for all its projects

Last week, the Linux Foundation introduced a new policy around the collection and usage of telemetry data. As per this new policy all linux...

Are we entering the quantum computing era? Google’s Sycamore achieves ‘quantum supremacy’ while IBM...

Two days ago, Google astonished many people around the world with claims that they have achieved a major milestone in quantum computing, one which...
data models

PostGIS 3.0.0 releases with raster support as a separate extension

Last week, the PostGIS development team released PostGIS 3.0.0. This release works with PostgreSQL 9.5-12 and GEOS >= 3.6. If developers are using postgis_sfcgal...

Must Read in Mobile

Understanding the Foundation of Protocol-oriented Design

When Apple announced Swift 2 at the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) in 2016, they also declared that Swift was the world’s first protocol-oriented...
