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Get the latest Big Data news, insights and updates from the Packt Hub. We’ll help you get to grips with NoSQL databases like MongoDB. With the vast quantities of Data currently stored by businesses, it’s becoming increasingly important to manage it in logical and secure ways. Therefore, the Hub provides news and insights around technologies like Hadoop and AWS to help keep you up to date.


Highest Paying Data Science Jobs in 2017

It is no secret that this is the age of data. More data has been created in the last 2 years than ever before....

(13*3)+ Halloween costume ideas for Data science nerds

Are you a data scientist, a machine learning engineer, an AI researcher or simply a data enthusiast? Channel the inner data science nerd within...

Halloween costume ideas inspired from Apache Big Data Projects

If you are a busy person who is finding it difficult to decide a Halloween costume for your office party tomorrow or for your...

Must Read in Cloud & Networking

Top life hacks for prepping for your IT certification exam

I remember deciding to pursue my first IT certification, the CompTIA A+. I had signed up for a class that lasted one week, per...

Must Read in Data

Learn Transformers for Natural Language Processing with Denis Rothman

Key takeaways The transformer architecture has proved to be revolutionary in outperforming the classical RNN and CNN models in use today. Artificial intelligence is...

Distributed training in TensorFlow 2.x
