5 min read

So, let’s take a step-by-step approach on how to accomplish this on the Flash side, which as far as I am concerned, is the fun side!

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Step 1: Creating our Flash application

With our chapter2 project open, we can shift our focus to the Actions panel within the Flash IDE. Although working with the Actions panel is great for small applications, we will eventually build onto this Flash application, which might make it impractical to keep all of our ActionScript code within the Actions panel. Because of this, we will first need to create a separate ActionScript file that will serve as our main entry point for our Flash application. This will allow us to easily expand our application and add to the functionality without modifying the Actions panel for every addition we make.

Step 2: Creating a main.as ActionScript file

For this step, we will simply create an empty file next to our chapter2.fla file called main.as. After you have created this new file, we will then need to reference it within our Actions panel. To do this, we will use the include keyword in ActionScript to include this file as the main entry point for our application. So, shifting our focus back to the chapter2.fla file, we will then place the following code within the Actions panel:

include "main.as";

Now that we are referencing the main.as file for any of the ActionScript functionality, we will no longer need to worry about the Actions panel and add any new functionality directly to the main.as file.

Now, for the following sections, we will use this main.as file to place all of our ActionScript code that will connect and extract information from our Drupal system, and then populate that information in a TextField that we will create later. So, let’s jump right in and write some code that connects us with our Drupal system.

Step 3: Connecting to Drupal

For this step, we will first need to open up our empty main.as file so that we can add custom functionality to our Flash application. With this file open in our Flash IDE, our first task will be to connect with Drupal. Connecting to Drupal will require us to make a remote call to our Drupal installation, and then handle its response correctly. This will require the use of asynchronous programming techniques along with some standard remoting classes built into the ActionScript 3 library. I will spend some time here discussing the class used by ActionScript 3 to achieve remote communication. This class is called NetConnection.

Using the NetConnection class

The NetConnection class in ActionScript 3 is specifically used to achieve remote procedure calls within a Flash application. Luckily, this class is pretty straight forward and does not have a huge learning curve on understanding how to utilize it for communicating with Drupal. Using this class requires that we first create an instance of this class as an object, and then initialize that object with the proper settings for our communication. But let’s tackle the creation first, which will look something like this in our main.as file:

// Declare our Drupal connection
var drupal:NetConnection = new NetConnection();

Now, you probably noticed that I decided to name my instance of this net connection drupal. The reason for this is to make it very clear that any place in our Flash application where we would like to interact with Drupal, we will do so by simply using our drupal NetConnection object. But before we use this connection, we must first specify what type of connection we will be using. In any NetConnection object, we can do this by providing a value for the variable objectEncoding . This variable lets the connection know how to structure the XML format when communicating back and forth between Flash and Drupal. Currently, there are only two types of encoding to choose from: AMF0 or AMF3. AMF0 is used for ActionScript versions less than 3, while AMF3 is used for ActionScript 3. ActionScript 1 and 2 are much less efficient than version 3, so it is highly recommended to use ActionScript 3 over 1 or 2. Since we are using ActionScript 3, we will need to use the AMF3 format, and we can provide this as follows:

// Declare our Drupal connection
var drupal:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
drupal.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF3;

Now that we have an instance ready to go, our first task will be to connect to the Drupal gateway that we set up in the previous section.

Connecting to a remote gateway

Connecting to a remote gateway can be performed using the connect command on our drupal NetConnection object. But in order for us to connect, we must first determine the correct gateway URL to pass to this function. We can find this by going back to our Drupal installation and navigating to Administer | Services. In the Browse section, you will see a link to the servers available for remote procedure calls as shown in the following screenshot:

Flash with Drupal

For every listed server, we can click on each link to verify that the server is ready for communication. Let’s do this by clicking on the link for AMFPHP, which should then bring up a page to let us know that our AMFPHP gateway is installed properly. We can also use this page to determine our AMFPHP gateway location, since it is the URL of this page. By observing the path of this page, we can add our AMFPHP server to our main.as file by combining the base URL of our site and then adding the AMFPHP services gateway to that base.

// Declare our baseURL and gateway string.
var baseURL:String = "http://localhost/drupal6";
var gateway:String = baseURL + "/services/amfphp";
// Declare our Drupal connection
var drupal:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
drupal.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF3;
// Connect to the Drupal gateway
drupal.connect( gateway );

It is important to note that the connect routine is synchronous, which means that once this function is called, we can immediately start using that connection. However, any remote procedure call that we make afterwards, will be asynchronous, and will need to be handled as such. The function that can be used to make these remote procedure calls to Drupal is called call.


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