5 min read

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Issues with combining scripts

Consider the real-life situation where we typically use external JavaScript; what happens if we use more than one JavaScript file? What kind of issues can we expect if we use more than one external JavaScript file? We’ll cover all of this in the subsections below. We’ll start with the first issue—combining event handlers.

JavaScript helps to bring life to our web page by adding interactivity. Event handlers are the heartbeat of interactivity. For example, we click on a button and a pop-up window appears, or we move our cursor over an HTML div element and the element changes color to provide visual feedback.

To see how we can combine event handlers, consider the following example, which is found in the source code folder in the files combine-event-handlers.html and combine-event-handlers.js as shown in the following code:

In combine-event-handlers.html, we have:

<title>Event handlers</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="combine-event-
<div id="one" onclick="changeOne(this);"><p>Testing One</p></div>
<div id="two" onclick="changeTwo(this);"><p>Testing Two</p></div>
<div id="three" onclick="changeThree(this);"><p>Testing

Notice that each of the div elements is handled by different functions, namely, changeOne(), changeTwo(), and changeThree() respectively. The event handlers are found in combine-event-handlers.js:

function changeOne(element) {
var id = element.id;
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
obj.innerHTML = "";
obj.innerHTML = "<h1>One is changed!</h1>";
return true;
function changeTwo(element) {
var id = element.id;
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
obj.innerHTML = "";
obj.innerHTML = "<h1>Two is changed!</h1>";
return true;
function changeThree(element) {
var id = element.id;
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
obj.innerHTML = "";
obj.innerHTML = "<h1>Three is changed!</h1>";
return true;

You might want to go ahead and test the program. As you click on the text, the content changes based on what is defined in the functions.

However, we can rewrite the code such that all of the events are handled by one function. We can rewrite combine-event-handlers.js as follows:

function combine(element) {
var id = element.id;
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
if(id == "one"){
obj.innerHTML = "";
obj.innerHTML = "<h1>One is changed!</h1>";
return true;
else if(id == "two"){
obj.innerHTML = "";
obj.innerHTML = "<h1>Two is changed!</h1>";
return true;
else if(id == "three"){
obj.innerHTML = "";
obj.innerHTML = "<h1>Three is changed!</h1>";
return true;
; // do nothing

When we use if else statements to check the id of the div elements that we are working on, and change the HTML contents accordingly, we will save quite a few lines of code. Take note that we have renamed the function to combine().

Because we have made some changes to the JavaScript code, we’ll need to make the corresponding changes to our HTML. So combine-event-handlers.html will be rewritten as follows:

<title>Event handlers</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="combine-event-
<div id="one" onclick="combine(this);"><p>Testing One</p></div>
<div id="two" onclick="combine(this);"><p>Testing Two</p></div>
<div id="three" onclick="combine(this);"><p>Testing

Notice that the div elements are now handled by the same function, combine(). These rewritten examples can be found in combine-event-handlers-combined.html and combine-event-handlers-combined.js.

Naming clashes

Removing name clashes is the next issue that we need to deal with. Similar to the issue of combining event handlers, naming clashes occur when two or more variables, functions, events, or other objects have the same name. Although these variables or objects can be contained in different files, these name clashes do not allow our JavaScript program to run properly. Consider the following code snippets:

In nameclash.html, we have the following code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="nameclash1.js"></script>
<div id="test" onclick="change(this);"><p>Testing</p></div>

In nameclash1.js, we have the following code:

function change(element) {
var id = element.id;
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
obj.innerHTML = "";
obj.innerHTML = "<h1>This is changed!</h1>";
return true;

If you run this code by opening the file in your browser and clicking on the text Testing, the HTML contents will be changed as expected. However, if we add &ltscript type=”text/javascript” src=”nameclash2.js”></script> after the &lttitle></title> tag, and if the content of nameclash2.js is as follows:

function change(element) {
alert("so what?!");

Then we will not be able to execute the code properly. We will see the alert box instead of the HTML contents being changed. If we switch the arrangement of the external JavaScript, then the HTML contents of the div elements will be changed and we will not be able to see the alert box.

With such naming clashes, our program becomes unpredictable; the solution to this is to use unique names in your functions, classes, or events. If you have a relatively large program, it would be advisable to use namespaces, which is a common strategy in several JavaScript libraries such as YUI and jQuery.


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