Vincy Davis

Kaggle’s Rachel Tatman on what to do when applying deep learning is overkill

Deep learning, an emerging branch of machine learning, has garnered a lot of recognition in the field of technology over…

4 years ago

Gabriel Baptista on how to build high-performance software architecture systems with C# and .Net Core

A software architecture refers to the fundamental structure of a software system that serves as a blueprint to manage the…

4 years ago

You can now use WebAssembly from .NET with Wasmtime!

Two months ago, ASP.NET Core 3.0 was released with an updated version of the Blazor framework. This framework allows the…

4 years ago

How PyTorch is bridging the gap between research and production at Facebook: PyTorch team at F8 conference

PyTorch, the machine learning library which was originally developed as a research framework by a Facebook intern in 2017, has…

4 years ago

PHP 7.4 releases with type declarations, shorthand syntax in Arrow functions, and more!

Yesterday, the PHP development team announced the availability of PHP version 7.4. This marks the fourth feature update to the…

4 years ago

Redox OS will soon permanently run rustc, the compiler for the Rust programming language, says Redox creator Jeremy Soller

Two days ago, Jeremy Soller, the Redox OS BDFL (Benevolent dictator for life) shared recent developments in Redox which is…

4 years ago

Homebrew 2.2 releases with support for macOS Catalina

Yesterday, the project manager of Homebrew, Mike McQuaid, announced the release of Homebrew 2.2. This is the third release of…

4 years ago

Google will not support Cloud Print, its cloud-based printing solution starting 2021

Last week, Google notified its users that Cloud Print, Google’s cloud-based printing solution will not receive any support after December…

4 years ago

OpenAI releases Safety Gym for prioritizing safety exploration in reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning (RL) agents explore their environments to learn optimal policies by trial and error method. In such environments, one…

4 years ago

Python 3.9 alpha 1 is now ready for testing

Three days ago, the team behind Python announced the release of Python 3.9.0a1, which is the first out of the…

4 years ago