Packt Editorial Staff

Prof. Rowel Atienza discusses the intuition behind deep learning, advances in GANs & techniques to create cutting-edge AI models

In recent years, deep learning has made unprecedented progress in vision, speech, natural language processing and understanding, and other areas…

5 years ago

How to handle categorical data for machine learning algorithms

The quality of data and the amount of useful information are key factors that determine how well a machine learning…

5 years ago

Implementing memory management with Golang’s garbage collector

Did you ever think of how bulk messages are pushed in real-time that fast? How is it possible? Low latency…

5 years ago

What are APIs? Why should businesses invest in API development?

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are like doors that provide access to information and functionality to other systems and applications. APIs…

5 years ago

Are you looking at transitioning from being developer to manager? Here are some leadership roles to consider

What does the phrase "a manager" really mean anyway? This phrase means different things to different people and is often…

5 years ago

Max Fatouretchi explains the 3 main pillars of effective Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is about process efficiency, reducing operational costs, and improving customer interactions and experience. The never-ending CRM…

5 years ago

Packt and Humble Bundle partner for new set of artificial intelligence eBooks and videos

Packt and Humble Bundle are once again partnering to bring a stash of artificial intelligence eBooks and videos to engineers…

5 years ago

Sherin Thomas explains how to build pipeline in PyTorch for deep learning workflows

A typical deep learning workflow starts with ideation and research around a problem statement, where the architectural design and model…

5 years ago

Cross-Validation strategies for Time Series forecasting [Tutorial]

Time series modeling and forecasting are tricky and challenging. The i.i.d (identically distributed independence) assumption does not hold well to…

5 years ago

The hands-on guide to Machine Learning with R by Brett Lantz

If science fiction stories are to be believed, the invention of Artificial Intelligence inevitably leads to apocalyptic wars between machines…

5 years ago