14 min read

In this article by Antonio Esposito, author of Learning .NET High Performance Programming, we will learn about low-pass audio filtering implemented using .NET, and also learn about MVVM and XAML.

Model-View-ViewModel and XAML

The MVVM pattern is another descendant of the MVC pattern. Born from an extensive update to the MVP pattern, it is at the base of all eXtensible Application Markup Language (XAML) language-based frameworks, such as Windows presentation foundation (WPF), Silverlight, Windows Phone applications, and Store Apps (formerly known as Metro-style apps).

MVVM is different from MVC, which is used by Microsoft in its main web development framework in that it is used for desktop or device class applications.

The first and (still) the most powerful application framework using MVVM in Microsoft is WPF, a desktop class framework that can use the full .NET 4.5.3 environment. Future versions within Visual Studio 2015 will support built-in .NET 4.6. On the other hand, all other frameworks by Microsoft that use the XAML language supporting MVVM patterns are based on a smaller edition of .NET. This happens with Silverlight, Windows Store Apps, Universal Apps, or Windows Phone Apps. This is why Microsoft made the Portable Library project within Visual Studio, which allows us to create shared code bases compatible with all frameworks.

While a Controller in MVC pattern is sort of a router for requests to catch any request and parsing input/output Models, the MVVM lies behind any View with a full two-way data binding that is always linked to a View’s controls and together at Model’s properties. Actually, multiple ViewModels may run the same View and many Views can use the same single/multiple instance of a given ViewModel.

Learning .NET High-performance Programming

A simple MVC/MVVM design comparative

We could assert that the experience offered by MVVM is like a film, while the experience offered by MVC is like photography, because while a Controller always makes one-shot elaborations regarding the application user requests in MVC, in MVVM, the ViewModel is definitely the view!

Not only does a ViewModel lie behind a View, but we could also say that if a VM is a body, then a View is its dress. While the concrete View is the graphical representation, the ViewModel is the virtual view, the un-concrete view, but still the View.

In MVC, the View contains the user state (the value of all items showed in the UI) until a GET/POST invocation is sent to the web server. Once sent, in the MVC framework, the View simply binds one-way reading data from a Model. In MVVM, behaviors, interaction logic, and user state actually live within the ViewModel. Moreover, it is again in the ViewModel that any access to the underlying Model, domain, and any persistence provider actually flows.

Between a ViewModel and View, a data connection called data binding is established. This is a declarative association between a source and target property, such as Person.Name with TextBox.Text. Although it is possible to configure data binding by imperative coding (while declarative means decorating or setting the property association in XAML), in frameworks such as WPF and other XAML-based frameworks, this is usually avoided because of the more decoupled result made by the declarative choice.

The most powerful technology feature provided by any XAML-based language is actually the data binding, other than the simpler one that was available in Windows Forms. XAML allows one-way binding (also reverted to the source) and two-way binding. Such data binding supports any source or target as a property from a Model or ViewModel or any other control’s dependency property.

This binding subsystem is so powerful in XAML-based languages that events are handled in specific objects named Command, and this can be data-bound to specific controls, such as buttons. In the .NET framework, an event is an implementation of the Observer pattern that lies within a delegate object, allowing a 1-N association between the only source of the event (the owner of the event) and more observers that can handle the event with some specific code. The only object that can raise the event is the owner itself. In XAML-based languages, a Command is an object that targets a specific event (in the meaning of something that can happen) that can be bound to different controls/classes, and all of those can register handlers or raise the signaling of all handlers.

Learning .NET High-performance Programming

An MVVM performance map analysis

Performance concerns

Regarding performance, MVVM behaves very well in several scenarios in terms of data retrieval (latency-driven) and data entry (throughput- and scalability-driven). The ability to have an impressive abstraction of the view in the VM without having to rely on the pipelines of MVC (the actions) makes the programming very pleasurable and give the developer the choice to use different designs and optimization techniques. Data binding itself is done by implementing specific .NET interfaces that can be easily centralized.

Talking about latency, it is slightly different from previous examples based on web request-response time, unavailable in MVVM. Theoretically speaking, in the design pattern of MVVM, there is no latency at all.

In a concrete implementation within XAML-based languages, latency can refer to two different kinds of timings. During data binding, latency is the time between when a VM makes new data available and a View actually renders it. Instead, during a command execution, latency is the time between when a command is invoked and all relative handlers complete their execution. We usually use the first definition until differently specified.

Although the nominal latency is near zero (some milliseconds because of the dictionary-based configuration of data binding), specific implementation concerns about latency actually exist. In any Model or ViewModel, an updated data notification is made by triggering the View with the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.

The .NET interface causes the View to read the underlying data again. Because all notifications are made by a single .NET event, this can easily become a bottleneck because of the serialized approach used by any delegate or event handlers in the .NET world.

On the contrary, when dealing with data that flows from the View to the Model, such an inverse binding is usually configured declaratively within the {Binding …} keyword, which supports specifying binding directions and trigger timing (to choose from the control’s lost focus CLR event or anytime the property value changes).

The XAML data binding does not add any measurable time during its execution. Although this, as said, such binding may link multiple properties or the control’s dependency properties together. Linking this interaction logic could increase latency time heavily, adding some annoying delay at the View level. One fact upon all, is the added latency by any validation logic. It is even worse if such validation is other than formal, such as validating some ID or CODE against a database value.

Talking about scalability, MVVM patterns does some work here, while we can make some concrete analysis concerning the XAML implementation. It is easy to say that scaling out is impossible because MVVM is a desktop class layered architecture that cannot scale. Instead, we can say that in a multiuser scenario with multiple client systems connected in a 2-tier or 3-tier system architecture, simple MVVM and XAML-based frameworks will never act as bottlenecks. The ability to use the full .NET stack in WPF gives us the chance to use all synchronization techniques available, in order to use a directly connected DBMS or middleware tier.

Instead of scaling up by moving the application to an increased CPU clock system, the XAML-based application would benefit more from an increased CPU core count system. Obviously, to profit from many CPU cores, mastering parallel techniques is mandatory.

About the resource usage, MVVM-powered architectures require only a simple POCO class as a Model and ViewModel. The only additional requirement is the implementation of the INotifyPropertyChanged interface that costs next to nothing. Talking about the pattern, unlike MVC, which has a specific elaboration workflow, MVVM does not offer this functionality. Multiple commands with multiple logic can process their respective logic (together with asynchronous invocation) with the local VM data or by going down to the persistence layer to grab missing information. We have all the choices here.

Although MVVM does not cost anything in terms of graphical rendering, XAML-based frameworks make massive use of hardware-accelerated user controls. Talking about an extreme choice, Windows Forms with Graphics Device Interface (GDI)-based rendering require a lot less resources and can give a higher frame rate on highly updatable data. Thus, if a very high FPS is needed, the choice of still rendering a WPF area in GDI is available. For other XAML languages, the choice is not so easy to obtain. Obviously, this does not mean that XAML is slow in rendering with its DirectX based engine. Simply consider that WPF animations need a good Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), while a basic GDI animation will execute on any system, although it is obsolete.

Talking about availability, MVVM-based architectures usually lead programmers to good programming. As MVC allows it, MVVM designs can be tested because of the great modularity. While a Controller uses a pipelined workflow to process any requests, a ViewModel is more flexible and can be tested with multiple initialization conditions. This makes it more powerful but also less predictable than a Controller, and hence is tricky to use. In terms of design, the Controller acts as a transaction script, while the ViewModel acts in a more realistic, object-oriented approach.

Finally, yet importantly, throughput and efficiency are simply unaffected by MVVM-based architectures. However, because of the flexibility the solution gives to the developer, any interaction and business logic design may be used inside a ViewModel and their underlying Models. Therefore, any success or failure regarding those performance aspects are usually related to programmer work. In XAML frameworks, throughput is achieved by an intensive use of asynchronous and parallel programming assisted by a built-in thread synchronization subsystem, based on the Dispatcher class that deals with UI updates.

Low-pass filtering for Audio

Low-pass filtering has been available since 2008 in the native .NET code. NAudio is a powerful library helping any CLR programmer to create, manipulate, or analyze audio data in any format.

Available through NuGet Package Manager, NAudio offers a simple and .NET-like programming framework, with specific classes and stream-reader for audio data files.

Let’s see how to apply the low-pass digital filter in a real audio uncompressed file in WAVE format. For this test, we will use the Windows start-up default sound file. The chart is still made in a legacy Windows Forms application with an empty Form1 file, as shown in the previous example:

private async void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
   //stereo wave file channels
   var channels = await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
           //the wave stream-like reader
           using (var reader = new WaveFileReader("startup.wav"))
               var leftChannel = new List<float>();
             var rightChannel = new List<float>();
               //let's read all frames as normalized floats
               while (reader.Position < reader.Length)
                   var frame = reader.ReadNextSampleFrame();
               return new
                   Left = leftChannel.ToArray(),
                   Right = rightChannel.ToArray(),
   //make a low-pass digital filter on floating point data
   //at 200hz
   var leftLowpassTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => LowPass(channels.Left, 
200).ToArray());    var rightLowpassTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => LowPass(channels.Right,
200).ToArray());      //this let the two tasks work together in task-parallelism    var leftChannelLP = await leftLowpassTask;    var rightChannelLP = await rightLowpassTask;      //create and databind a chart    var chart1 = CreateChart();      chart1.DataSource = Enumerable.Range(0, channels.Left.Length).Select(i =>
new        {            Index = i,            Left = channels.Left[i],            Right = channels.Right[i],            LeftLP = leftChannelLP[i],            RightLP = rightChannelLP[i],        }).ToArray();      chart1.DataBind();      //add the chart to the form    this.Controls.Add(chart1); }   private static Chart CreateChart() {    //creates a chart    //namespace System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting      var chart1 = new Chart();      //shows chart in fullscreen    chart1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;      //create a default area    chart1.ChartAreas.Add(new ChartArea());      //left and right channel series    chart1.Series.Add(new Series    {        XValueMember = "Index",        XValueType = ChartValueType.Auto,        YValueMembers = "Left",        ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,    });    chart1.Series.Add(new Series    {        XValueMember = "Index",        XValueType = ChartValueType.Auto,        YValueMembers = "Right",        ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,    });      //left and right channel low-pass (bass) series    chart1.Series.Add(new Series    {        XValueMember = "Index",        XValueType = ChartValueType.Auto,        YValueMembers = "LeftLP",        ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,        BorderWidth = 2,    });    chart1.Series.Add(new Series    {        XValueMember = "Index",        XValueType = ChartValueType.Auto,        YValueMembers = "RightLP",        ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,        BorderWidth = 2,    });      return chart1; }

Let’s see the graphical result:

Learning .NET High-performance Programming

The Windows start-up sound waveform. In bolt, the bass waveform with a low-pass filter at 200hz.

The usage of parallelism in elaborations such as this is mandatory. Audio elaboration is a canonical example of engineering data computation because it works on a huge dataset of floating points values. A simple file, such as the preceding one that contains less than 2 seconds of audio sampled at (only) 22,050 Hz, produces an array greater than 40,000 floating points per channel (stereo = 2 channels).

Just to have an idea of how hard processing audio files is, note that an uncompressed CD quality song of 4 minutes sampled at 44,100 samples per second * 60 (seconds) * 4 (minutes) will create an array greater than 10 million floating-point items per channel.

Because of the FFT intrinsic logic, any low-pass filtering run must run in a single thread. This means that the only optimization we can apply when running FFT based low-pass filtering is parallelizing in a per channel basis. For most cases, this choice can only bring a 2X throughput improvement, regardless of the processor count of the underlying system.


In this article we got introduced to the applications of .NET high-performance performance. We learned how MVVM and XAML play their roles in .NET to create applications for various platforms, also we learned about its performance characteristics. Next we learned how high-performance .NET had applications in engineering aspects through a practical example of low-pass audio filtering. It showed you how versatile it is to apply high-performance programming to specific engineering applications.

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