2 min read

Last week, Julia 1.1.0 was released with some new features, performance improvements, and small changes in behavior. The following is a list of some of the changes in this new version of Julia:

  1. Better exception handling and root cause analysis is now possible due to the exception stack maintained on each task. This can be accessed using the experimental function Base.catch_stack.
  2. Binary ~ can now be dotted, as in x .~ y.

  3. Previously, parser inputs ending with a comma were sometimes parsed as tuples depending on whitespace. Now, they are consistently treated as incomplete.
  4. Spaces in broadcast call syntax, e.g. f. (x).  are now disallowed.
  5. Using the same name for both a local variable and a static parameter is an error instead of a warning.
  6. When a script that runs in interactive mode (-i) throws an error, the REPL now starts after the error is displayed. This is a change to the REPL that previously only started if the script completed without error.
  7. 7zip  has been upgraded from version 16.04 to 18.05, OpenBLAS has been upgraded from 0.3.2 to 0.3.3.
  8. Busybox is no longer bundled with Julia on Windows.
  9. Support for LLVM < 6.0 has been dropped and LLVM has been upgraded to 6.0.1
  10. Pkg upgraded to version 1.1.
  11. one(i::CartesianIndex) should be replaced with oneunit(i::CartesianIndex)

  12. The internal array Base.Grisu.DIGITS stands deprecated; to get an appropriate task-local buffer and pass it to grisu(), use Base.Grisu.getbuf().
  13.  Base._default_type(T) has been removed. Calls to it should be replaced with just the argument T.

You can head over to GitHub for a complete list of the changes in Julia v1.1.

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