25 min read

In this article by Alexandre Borges, the author of Solaris 11 Advanced Administration, we will cover the following topics:

  • Monitoring and handling process execution
  • Managing processes’ priority on Solaris 11
  • Configuring FSS and applying it to projects

When working with Oracle Solaris 11, many of the executing processes compose applications, and even the operating system itself runs many other processes and threads, which takes care of the smooth working of the environment. So, administrators have a daily task of monitoring the entire system and taking some hard decisions, when necessary. Furthermore, not all processes have the same priority and urgency, and there are some situations where it is suitable to give higher priority to one process than another (for example, rendering images). Here, we introduce a key concept: scheduling classes.

Oracle Solaris 11 has a default process scheduler (svc:/system/scheduler:default) that controls the allocation of the CPU for each process according to its scheduling class. There are six important scheduling classes, as follows:

  • Time Sharing (TS): By default, all processes or threads (non-GUI) are assigned to this class, where the priority value is dynamic and adjustable according to the system load (-60 to 60). Additionally, the system scheduler switches a process/thread with a lower priority from a processor to another process/thread with higher priority.
  • Interactive (IA): This class has the same behavior as the TS class (dynamic and with an adjustable priority value from -60 to 60), but the IA class is suitable for GUI processes/threads that have an associated window. Additionally, when the mouse focus is on a window, the bound process or thread receives an increase of 10 points of its priority. When the mouse focuses on a window, the bound process loses the same 10 points.
  • Fixed (FX): This class has the same behavior as that of TS, except that any process or thread that is associated with this class has its priority value fixed. The value range is from 0 to 59, but the initial priority of the process or thread is kept from the beginning to end of the life process.
  • System (SYS): This class is used for kernel processes or threads where the possible priority goes from 60 to 99. However, once the kernel process or thread begins processing, it’s bound to the CPU until the end of its life (the system scheduler doesn’t take it off the processor).
  • Realtime (RT): Processes and threads from this class have a fixed priority that ranges from 100 to 159. Any process or thread of this class has a higher priority than any other class.
  • Fair share scheduler (FSS): Any process or thread managed by this class is scheduled based on its share value (and not on its priority value) and in the processor’s utilization. The priority range goes from -60 to 60.

Usually, the FSS class is used when the administrator wants to control the resource distribution on the system using processor sets or when deploying Oracle zones. It is possible to change the priority and class of any process or thread (except the system class), but it is uncommon, such as using FSS. When handling a processor set (a group of processors), the processes bound to this group must belong to only one scheduling class (FSS or FX, but not both). It is recommended that you don’t use the RT class unless it is necessary because RT processes are bound to the processor (or core) up to their conclusion, and it only allows any other process to execute when it is idle.

The FSS class is based on shares, and personally, I establish a total of 100 shares and assign these shares to processes, threads, or even Oracle zones. This is a simple method to think about resources, such as CPUs, using percentages (for example, 10 shares = 10 percent).

Monitoring and handling process execution

Oracle Solaris 11 offers several methods to monitor and control process execution, and there isn’t one best tool to do this because every technique has some advantages.

Getting ready

This recipe requires a virtual machine (VirtualBox or VMware) running Oracle Solaris 11 installed with a 2 GB RAM at least. It’s recommended that the system has more than one processor or core.

How to do it…

A common way to monitor processes on Oracle Solaris 11 is using the old and good ps command:

root@solaris11-1:~# ps -efcl -o s,uid,pid,zone,class,pri,vsz,rss,time,comm | more

Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced Administration Cookbook

According to the output shown in the previous screenshot, we have:

  • S (status)
  • UID (user ID)
  • PID (process ID)
  • ZsONE (zone)
  • CLS (scheduling class)
  • PRI (priority)
  • VSZ (virtual memory size)
  • RSS (resident set size)
  • TIME (the time for that the process runs on the CPU)
  • COMMAND (the command used to start the process)

Additionally, possible process statuses are as follows:

  • O (running on a processor)
  • S (sleeping—waiting for an event to complete)
  • R (runnable—process is on a queue)
  • T (process is stopped either because of a job control signal or because it is being traced)
  • Z (zombie—process finished and parent is not waiting)
  • W (waiting—process is waiting for the CPU usage to drop to the CPU-caps enforced limit)

Do not get confused between the virtual memory size (VSZ) and resident set size (RSS). The VSZ of a process includes all information on a physical memory (RAM) plus all mapped files and devices (swap). On the other hand, the RSS value only includes the information in the memory (RAM).

Other important command to monitor processes on Oracle Solaris 11 is the prstat tool. For example, it is possible to list the threads of each process by executing the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# prstat –L
2609 root     129M   18M sleep   15   0   0:00:24 1.1% gnome-terminal/1
1238 root       88M   74M sleep   59   0   0:00:41 0.5% Xorg/1
2549 root     217M   99M sleep     1   0   0:00:45 0.3% java/22
2549 root     217M   99M sleep     1   0   0:00:30 0.2% java/21
2581 root       13M 2160K sleep   59   0   0:00:24 0.2% VBoxClient/3
1840 root       37M 7660K sleep     1   0   0:00:26 0.2% pkg.depotd/2
(truncated output)

The LWPID column shows the number of threads of each process.

Other good options are –J (summary per project), -Z (summary per zone), and –mL (includes information about thread microstates). To collect some information about processes and projects, execute the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# prstat –J
2549 root     217M   99M sleep   55   0   0:01:56 0.8% java/25
1238 root       88M   74M sleep   59   0   0:00:44 0.4% Xorg/3
1840 root       37M 7660K sleep     1   0   0:00:55 0.4% pkg.depotd/64
(truncated output)
     1       43 2264M 530M   13%   0:03:46 1.9% user.root                  
     0       79 844M 254M   6.1%   0:03:12 0.9% system                    
     3       2   11M 5544K   0.1%   0:00:55 0.0% default                     
Total: 124 processes, 839 lwps, load averages: 0.23, 0.22, 0.22

Pay attention to the last column (PROJECT) from the second part of the output. It is very interesting to know that Oracle Solaris already works using projects and some of them are created by default. By the way, it is always appropriate to remember that the structure of a project is project | tasks | processes.

Collecting information about processes and zones is done by executing the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# prstat -Z
3735 root       13M   12M sleep   59   0   0:00:13 4.2% svc.configd/17
3733 root       17M 8676K sleep   59   0   0:00:05 2.0% svc.startd/15
2532 root     219M   83M sleep   47   0   0:00:15 0.8% java/25
1214 root      88M   74M sleep     1   0   0:00:09 0.6% Xorg/3
   746 root       0K   0K sleep   99 -20   0:00:02 0.5% zpool-myzones/138
(truncated output)

     1       11   92M   36M   0.9%   0:00:18 6.7% zone1
     0     129 3222M 830M   20%   0:02:09 4.8% global
     2       5   18M 6668K   0.2%   0:00:00 0.2% zone2

According to the output, there is a global zone and two other nonglobal zones (zone1 and zone2) in this system.

Finally, to gather information about processes and their respective microstate information, execute the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# prstat –mL
1925 pkg5srv 0.8 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 91 2.1 286   2 2K   0 htcacheclean/1
1214 root     1.6 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 92 2.7 279 24 3K   0 Xorg/1
2592 root     2.2 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 94 1.7 202   9 1K   0 gnome-termin/1
2532 root     0.9 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 97 0.0 1.2 202   4 304   0 java/22
5809 root     0.1 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 99 0.0 55   1 1K   0 prstat/1
2532 root     0.6 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 98 0.0 1.3 102   6 203   0 java/21
(truncated output)

The output from prtstat –mL (gathering microstates information) is very interesting because it can give us some clues about performance problems. For example, the LAT column (latency) indicates the percentage of time wait for CPU (possible problems with the CPU) and, in this case, a constant value above zero could mean a CPU performance problem.

Continuing the explanation, a possible problem with the memory can be highlighted using the TFL (the percentage of time the process has spent processing text page faults) and DFL columns (the percentage of time the process has spent processing data page faults), which shows whether and how many times (in percentage) a thread is waiting for memory paging.

In a complementary manner, when handling processes, there are several useful commands, as shown in the following table:

Objective Command
To show the stack process pstack <pid>
To kill a process pkill <process name>
To get the process ID of a process pgrep –l <pid>
To list the opened files by a process pfiles <pid>
To get a memory map of a process pmap –x <pid>
To list the shared libraries of a process pldd <pid>
To show all the arguments of a process pargs –ea <pid>
To trace a process truss –p <pid>
To reap a zombie process preap <pid>

For example, to find out which shared libraries are used by the top command, execute the following sequence of commands:

root@solaris11-1:~# top
root@solaris11-1:~# ps -efcl | grep top
0 S     root 2672 2649   IA 59       ?   1112       ? 05:32:53 pts/3       0:00 top
0 S     root 2674 2606   IA 54       ?   2149       ? 05:33:01 pts/2       0:00 grep top
root@solaris11-1:~# pldd 2672
2672: top

To find the top-most stack, execute the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# pstack 2672
2672: top
ffff80ffbf54a66a pollsys (ffff80ffbfffd070, 1, ffff80ffbfffd1f0, 0)
ffff80ffbf4f1995 pselect () + 181
ffff80ffbf4f1e14 select () + 68
000000000041a7d1 do_command () + ed
000000000041b5b3 main () + ab7
000000000040930c ???????? ()

To verify which files are opened by an application as the Firefox browser, we have to execute the following commands:

root@solaris11-1:~# firefox &
root@solaris11-1:~# ps -efcl | grep firefox
0 S     root 2600 2599  IA 59       ? 61589       ? 13:50:14 pts/1       0:07 firefox
0 S     root 2616 2601   IA 58       ?   2149       ? 13:51:18 pts/2       0:00 grep firefox
root@solaris11-1:~# pfiles 2600
2600: firefox
Current rlimit: 1024 file descriptors
0: S_IFCHR mode:0620 dev:563,0 ino:45703982 uid:0 gid:7 rdev:195,1
   1: S_IFCHR mode:0620 dev:563,0 ino:45703982 uid:0 gid:7 rdev:195,1
   2: S_IFCHR mode:0620 dev:563,0 ino:45703982 uid:0 gid:7 rdev:195,1
(truncated output)

Another excellent command from the previous table is pmap, which shows information about the address space of a process. For example, to see the address space of the current shell, execute the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# pmap -x $$
2675: bash
Address Kbytes     RSS   Anon Locked Mode   Mapped File
08050000   1208   1184       -       - r-x-- bash
0818E000     24     24       8       - rw--- bash
08194000     188     188     32       - rw---   [ heap ]
EF470000     56     52       -       - r-x-- methods_unicode.so.3
EF48D000       8       8       -       - rwx-- methods_unicode.so.3
EF490000   6744     248       -     - r-x-- en_US.UTF-8.so.3
EFB36000       4       4       -       - rw--- en_US.UTF-8.so.3
FE550000     184     148       -       - r-x-- libcurses.so.1
FE58E000     16     16       -       - rw--- libcurses.so.1
FE592000       8       8       -     - rw--- libcurses.so.1
FE5A0000       4       4       4       - rw---   [ anon ]
FE5B0000     24     24       -       - r-x-- libgen.so.1
FE5C6000       4       4       -       - rw--- libgen.so.1
FE5D0000     64     16       -       - rwx--   [ anon ]
FE5EC000       4       4       -       - rwxs-   [ anon ]
FE5F0000       4       4       4       - rw---   [ anon ]
FE600000     24     12       4       - rwx--   [ anon ]
FE610000   1352   1072       -       - r-x-- libc_hwcap1.so.1
FE772000     44     44     16       - rwx-- libc_hwcap1.so.1
FE77D000       4       4       -       - rwx-- libc_hwcap1.so.1
FE780000       4       4       4       - rw---   [ anon ]
FE790000       4       4       4       - rw---   [ anon ]
FE7A0000       4       4       -       - rw---   [ anon ]
FE7A8000       4       4       -       - r--s-   [ anon ]
FE7B4000     220     220       -       - r-x-- ld.so.1
FE7FB000       8       8       4       - rwx-- ld.so.1
FE7FD000       4       4       -       - rwx-- ld.so.1
FEFFB000     16     16       4       - rw---   [ stack ]
-------- ------- ------- ------- -------
total Kb   10232   3332     84       -

The pmap output shows us the following essential information:

  • Address: This is the starting virtual address of each mapping
  • Kbytes: This is the virtual size of each mapping
  • RSS: The amount of RAM (in KB) for each mapping, including shared memory
  • Anon: The number of pages of anonymous memory, which is usually and roughly defined as the sum of heap and stack pages without a counterpart on the disk (excluding the memory shared with other address spaces)
  • Lock: The number of pages locked in the mapping
  • Permissions: Virtual memory permissions for each mapping. The possible and valid permissions are as follows:
    • x: Any instructions inside this mapping can be executed by the process
    • w: The mapping can be written by the process
    • r: The mapping can be read by the process
    • s: The mapping is shared with other processes
    • R: There is no swap space reserved for this process
  • Mapped File: The name for each mapping such as an executable, a library, and anonymous pages (heap and stack)

Finally, there is an excellent framework, DTrace, where you can get information on processes and anything else related to Oracle Solaris 11.

What is DTrace? It is a clever instrumentation tool that is used for troubleshooting and, mainly, as a suitable framework for performance and analysis. DTrace is composed of thousands of probes (sensors) that are scattered through the Oracle Solaris kernel. To explain this briefly, when a program runs, any touched probe from memory, CPU, or I/O is triggered and gathers information from the related activity, giving us an insight on where the system is spending more time and making it possible to create reports.

DTrace is nonintrusive (it does not add a performance burden on the system) and safe (by default, only the root user has enough privileges to use DTrace) and uses the Dscript language (similar to AWK). Different from other tools such as truss, apptrace, sar, prex, tnf, lockstat, and mdb, which allow knowing only the problematic area, DTrace provides the exact point of the problem.

The fundamental structure of a DTrace probe is as follows:


The previous probe is explained as follows:

  • provider: These are libraries that instrument regions of the system, such as, syscall (system calls), proc (processes), fbt (function boundary tracing), lockstat, and so on
  • module: This represents the shared library or kernel module where the probe was created
  • function: This is a program, process, or thread function that contains the probe
  • name: This is the probe’s name

When using DTrace, for each probe, it is possible to associate an action that will be executed if this probe is touched (triggered). By default, all probes are disabled and don’t consume CPU processing.

DTrace probes are listed by executing the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# dtrace -l | more

The output of the previous command is shown in the following screenshot:

Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced Administration Cookbook

The number of available probes on Oracle Solaris 11 are reported by the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# dtrace -l | wc –l

After this brief introduction to DTrace, we can use it for listing any new processes (including their respective arguments) by running the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# dtrace -n 'proc:::exec-success { trace(curpsinfo->pr_psargs); }'
dtrace: description 'proc:::exec-success ' matched 1 probe
CPU     ID                   FUNCTION:NAME
   3   7639         exec_common:exec-success   bash                            
   2   7639         exec_common:exec-success   /usr/bin/firefox                
   0   7639         exec_common:exec-success   sh -c ps -e -o 'pid tty time comm'> /var/tmp/aaacLaiDl
   0   7639         exec_common:exec-success   ps -e -o pid tty time comm      
   0   7639         exec_common:exec-success   ps -e -o pid tty time comm      
   1   7639         exec_common:exec-success   sh -c ps -e -o 'pid tty time comm'> /var/tmp/caaeLaiDl
   2   7639        exec_common:exec-success   sh -c ps -e -o 'pid tty time comm'> /var/tmp/baadLaiDl
   2   7639         exec_common:exec-success   ps -e -o pid tty 
(truncated output)

There are very useful one-line tracers, as shown previously, available from Brendan Gregg’s website at http://www.brendangregg.com/DTrace/dtrace_oneliners.txt.

It is feasible to get any kind of information using DTrace. For example, get the system call count per program by executing the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry { @num[pid,execname] = count(); }'
dtrace: description 'syscall:::entry ' matched 213 probes
       11 svc.startd                                           2
       13 svc.configd                                         2
       42 netcfgd                                             2
(truncated output)
     2610 gnome-terminal                                     1624
     2549 java                                               2464
     1221 Xorg                                              5246
     2613 dtrace                                             5528
     2054 htcacheclean                                       9503

To get the total number of read bytes per process, execute the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# dtrace -n 'sysinfo:::readch { @bytes[execname] = sum(arg0); }'
dtrace: description 'sysinfo:::readch ' matched 4 probes
in.mpathd                                                     1
named                                                         56
sed                                                         100
wnck-applet                                                 157
(truncated output)
VBoxService                                               20460
svc.startd                                                40320
Xorg                                                       65294
ps                                                       1096780
thunderbird-bin                                         3191863

To get the number of write bytes by process, run the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# dtrace -n 'sysinfo:::writech { @bytes[execname] = sum(arg0); }'
dtrace: description 'sysinfo:::writech ' matched 4 probes
dtrace                                                        1
gnome-power-mana                                               8
xscreensaver                                                 36
gnome-session                                               367
clock-applet                                                404
named                                                       528
gvfsd                                                       748
(truncated output)
metacity                                                   24616
ps                                                        59590
wnck-applet                                               65523
gconfd-2                                                   83234
Xorg                                                     184712
firefox                                                   403682

To know the number of pages paged-in by process, execute the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# dtrace -n 'vminfo:::pgpgin { @pg[execname] = sum(arg0); }'
dtrace: description 'vminfo:::pgpgin ' matched 1 probe
(no output)

To list the disk size by process, run the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# dtrace -n ‘io:::start { printf(“%d %s %d”,pid,execname,args[0]->b_bcount); }’
dtrace: description ‘io:::start ‘ matched 3 probes
CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
1   6962             bdev_strategy:start 5 zpool-rpool 4096
1   6962             bdev_strategy:start 5 zpool-rpool 4096
2   6962             bdev_strategy:start 5 zpool-rpool 4096
2   6962             bdev_strategy:start 2663 firefox 3584
2   6962             bdev_strategy:start 2663 firefox 3584
2   6962             bdev_strategy:start 2663 firefox 3072
2   6962             bdev_strategy:start 2663 firefox 4096
(truncated output)

From Brendan Gregg’s website (http://www.brendangregg.com/dtrace.html), there are other good and excellent scripts. For example, prustat.d (which we can save in our home directory) is one of them and its output is self-explanatory; it can be obtained using the following commands:

root@solaris11-1:~# chmod u+x prustat.d
root@solaris11-1:~# ./prustat.d
PID   %CPU   %Mem %Disk   %Net COMM
2537   0.91   2.38   0.00   0.00 java
1218   0.70   1.81   0.00   0.00 Xorg
2610   0.51   0.47   0.00   0.00 gnome-terminal
2522   0.00   0.96   0.00   0.00 nautilus
2523   0.01   0.78   0.00   0.00 updatemanagerno
2519   0.00   0.72   0.00   0.00 gnome-panel
1212   0.42   0.20   0.00   0.00 pkg.depotd
819   0.00   0.53   0.00   0.00 named
943   0.17   0.36   0.00  0.00 poold
   13   0.01   0.47   0.00   0.00 svc.configd
(truncated output)

From the DTraceToolkit website (http://www.brendangregg.com/dtracetoolkit.html), we can download and save the topsysproc.d script in our home directory. Then, by executing it, we are able to find which processes execute more system calls, as shown in the following commands:

root@solaris11-1:~/DTraceToolkit-0.99/Proc# ./topsysproc 10
2014 May 4 19:25:10, load average: 0.38, 0.30, 0.28   syscalls: 12648
   PROCESS                        COUNT
   isapython2.6                       20
   sendmail                           20
   dhcpd                               24
   httpd.worker                       30
   updatemanagernot                   40
   nautilus                            42
   xscreensaver                       50
   tput                               59
   gnome-settings-d                   62
   metacity                           75
   VBoxService                         81
   ksh93                            118
   clear                             163
   poold                             201
   pkg.depotd                         615
   VBoxClient                         781
   java                             1249
   gnome-terminal                   2224
   dtrace                           2712
   Xorg                             3965

An overview of the recipe

You learned how to monitor processes using several tools such as prstat, ps, and dtrace. Furthermore, you saw several commands that explain how to control and analyze a process.

Managing processes’ priority on Solaris 11

Oracle Solaris 11 allows us to change the priority of processes using the priocntl command either during the start of the process or after the process is run.

Getting ready

This recipe requires a virtual machine (VirtualBox or VMware) running Oracle Solaris 11 with a 2 GB RAM at least. It is recommended that the system have more than one processor or core.

How to do it…

In the Introduction section, we talked about scheduling classes and this time, we will see more information on this subject. To begin, list the existing and active classes by executing the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# priocntl -l
SYS (System Class)

TS (Time Sharing)
Configured TS User Priority Range: -60 through 60

SDC (System Duty-Cycle Class)

FSS (Fair Share)
Configured FSS User Priority Range: -60 through 60

FX (Fixed priority)
Configured FX User Priority Range: 0 through 60

IA (Interactive)
Configured IA User Priority Range: -60 through 60

RT (Real Time)
Configured RT User Priority Range: 0 through 59

When handling priorities, which we learned in this article, only the positive part is important and we need to take care because the values shown in the previous output have their own class as the reference. Thus, they are not absolute values.

To show a simple example, start a process with a determined class (FX) and priority (55) by executing the following commands:

root@solaris11-1:~# priocntl -e -c FX -m 60 -p 55 gcalctool
root@solaris11-1:~# ps -efcl | grep gcalctool
0 S     root 2660 2646   FX 55       ? 33241       ? 04:48:52 pts/1       0:01 gcalctool
0 S     root 2664 2661 FSS 22       ?   2149       ? 04:50:09 pts/2       0:00 grep gcalctool

As can be seen previously, the process is using exactly the class and priority that we have chosen. Moreover, it is appropriate to explain some options such as -e (to execute a specified command), -c (to set the class), -p (the chosen priority inside the class), and -m (the maximum limit that the priority of a process can be raised to).

The next exercise is to change the process priority after it starts. For example, by executing the following command, the top tool will be executed in the FX class with an assigned priority equal to 40, as shown in the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# priocntl -e -c FX -m 60 -p 40 top
root@solaris11-1:~# ps -efcl | grep top
0 S     root 2662 2649   FX 40       ?   1112       ? 05:16:21 pts/3       0:00 top
0 S     root 2664 2606   IA 33       ?   2149       ? 05:16:28 pts/2       0:00 grep top

Then, to change the priority that is running, execute the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# priocntl -s -p 50 2662
root@solaris11-1:~# ps -efcl | grep top
0 S     root 2662 2649   FX 50       ?   1112       ? 05:16:21 pts/3       0:00 top
0 S     root 2667 2606   IA 55       ?   2149       ? 05:17:00 pts/2       0:00 grep top

This is perfect! The -s option is used to change the priorities’ parameters, and the –p option assigns the new priority to the process.

If we tried to use the TS class, the results would not have been the same because this test system does not have a serious load (it’s almost idle) and in this case, the priority would be raised automatically to around 59.

An overview of the recipe

You learned how to configure a process class as well as change the process priority at the start and during its execution using the priocntl command.

Configuring FSS and applying it to projects

The FSS class is the best option to manage resource allocation (for example, CPU) on Oracle Solaris 11. In this section, we are going to learn how to use it.

Getting ready

This recipe requires a virtual machine (VirtualBox or VMware) running Oracle Solaris 11 with a 4 GB RAM at least. It is recommended that the system has only one processor or core.

How to do it…

In Oracle Solaris 11, the default scheduler class is TS, as shown by the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# dispadmin -d
TS (Time Sharing)

This default configuration comes from the /etc/dispadmin.conf file:

root@solaris11-1:~# more /etc/dispadmin.conf
# /etc/dispadmin.conf
# Do NOT edit this file by hand -- use dispadmin(1m) instead.

If we need to verify and change the default scheduler, we can accomplish this task by running the following commands:

root@solaris11-1:~# dispadmin -d FSS
root@solaris11-1:~# dispadmin -d
FSS (Fair Share)

root@solaris11-1:~# more /etc/dispadmin.conf
# /etc/dispadmin.conf
# Do NOT edit this file by hand — use dispadmin(1m) instead.

Unfortunately, this new setting only takes effect for newly created processes that are run after the command, but current processes still are running using the previously configured classes (TS and IA), as shown in the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# ps -efcl -o s,uid,pid,zone,class,pri,comm | more
T     0     0   global SYS 96 sched
S     0     5   global SDC 99 zpool-rpool
S   0     6   global SDC 99 kmem_task
S     0     1   global   TS 59 /usr/sbin/init
S     0     2   global SYS 98 pageout
S     0     3   global SYS 60 fsflush
S     0     7   global SYS 60 intrd
S     0     8   global SYS 60 vmtasks
S 60002 1173  global   TS 59 /usr/lib/fm/notify/smtp-notify
S     0   11   global   TS 59 /lib/svc/bin/svc.startd
S     0   13   global   TS 59 /lib/svc/bin/svc.configd
S   16   99   global   TS 59 /lib/inet/ipmgmtd
S     0   108   global   TS 59 /lib/inet/in.mpathd
S   17   40   global   TS 59 /lib/inet/netcfgd
S     0   199   global   TS 59 /usr/sbin/vbiosd
S     0   907   global   TS 59 /usr/lib/fm/fmd/fmd
(truncated output)

To change the settings from all current processes (the -i option) to using FSS (the -c option) without rebooting the system, execute the following command:

root@solaris11-1:~# priocntl -s -c FSS -i all
root@solaris11-1:~# ps -efcl -o s,uid,pid,zone,class,pri,comm | more
T     0     0   global SYS 96 sched
S     0     5   global SDC 99 zpool-rpool
S     0     6   global SDC 99 kmem_task
S     0     1   global   TS 59 /usr/sbin/init
S     0     2   global SYS 98 pageout
S     0     3   global SYS 60 fsflush
S     0     7   global SYS 60 intrd
S     0     8   global SYS 60 vmtasks
S 60002 1173   global FSS 29 /usr/lib/fm/notify/smtp-notify
S     0   11   global FSS 29 /lib/svc/bin/svc.startd
S     0   13   global FSS 29 /lib/svc/bin/svc.configd
S   16   99   global FSS 29 /lib/inet/ipmgmtd
S     0   108   global FSS 29 /lib/inet/in.mpathd
S   17   40   global FSS 29 /lib/inet/netcfgd
S     0   199   global FSS 29 /usr/sbin/vbiosd
S     0   907   global FSS 29 /usr/lib/fm/fmd/fmd
S     0 2459   global FSS 29 gnome-session
S   15   66   global FSS 29 /usr/sbin/dlmgmtd
S     1   88   global FSS 29 /lib/crypto/kcfd
S     0   980   global FSS 29 /usr/lib/devchassis/devchassisd
S     0   138   global FSS 29 /usr/lib/pfexecd
S     0   277   global FSS 29 /usr/lib/zones/zonestatd
O     0 2657   global FSS   1 more
S   16   638   global FSS 29 /lib/inet/nwamd
S   50 1963   global FSS 29 /usr/bin/dbus-launch
S     0   291   global FSS 29 /usr/lib/dbus-daemon
S     0   665   global FSS 29 /usr/lib/picl/picld
(truncated output)

It’s almost done, but the init process (PID equal to 1) was not changed to the FSS class, unfortunately. This change operation is done manually, by executing the following commands:

root@solaris11-1:~# priocntl -s -c FSS -i pid 1
root@solaris11-1:~# ps -efcl -o s,uid,pid,zone,class,pri,comm | more
T     0     0   global SYS 96 sched
S     0     5   global SDC 99 zpool-rpool
S     0     6   global SDC 99 kmem_task
S     0     1   global FSS 29 /usr/sbin/init
S     0     2   global SYS 98 pageout
S     0     3   global SYS 60 fsflush
S     0     7   global SYS 60 intrd
S     0     8   global SYS 60 vmtasks
S 60002 1173   global FSS 29 /usr/lib/fm/notify/smtp-notify
S    0   11   global FSS 29 /lib/svc/bin/svc.startd
S     0   13   global FSS 29 /lib/svc/bin/svc.configd
S   16   99   global FSS 29 /lib/inet/ipmgmtd
S     0   108   global FSS 29 /lib/inet/in.mpathd
(truncated output)

From here, it would be possible to use projects (a very nice concept from Oracle Solaris), tasks, and FSS to make an attractive example. It follows a quick demonstration.

From an initial installation, Oracle Solaris 11 already has some default projects, as shown by the following commands:

root@solaris11-1:~# projects
user.root default
root@solaris11-1:~# projects -l
projid : 0
comment: ""
users : (none)
groups : (none)
projid : 1
comment: ""
users : (none)
groups : (none)
(truncated output)
root@solaris11-1:~# more /etc/project

In this exercise, we are going to create four new projects: ace_proj_1, ace_proj_2, ace_proj_3, and ace_proj_4. For each project will be associated an amount of shares (40, 30, 20, and 10 respectively). Additionally, it will create some useless, but CPU-consuming tasks by starting a Firefox instance.

Therefore, execute the following commands to perform the tasks:

root@solaris11-1:~# projadd -U root -K "project.cpu-shares=(priv,40,none)" ace_proj_1
root@solaris11-1:~# projadd -U root -K "project.cpu-shares=(priv,30,none)" ace_proj_2
root@solaris11-1:~# projadd -U root -K "project.cpu-shares=(priv,20,none)" ace_proj_3
root@solaris11-1:~# projadd -U root -K "project.cpu-shares=(priv,10,none)" ace_proj_4
root@solaris11-1:~# projects
user.root default ace_proj_1 ace_proj_2 ace_proj_3 ace_proj_4

Here is where the trick comes in. The FSS class only starts to act when:

  • The total CPU consumption by all processes is over 100 percent
  • The sum of processes from defined projects is over the current number of CPUs

Thus, to be able to see the FSS effect, as explained previously, we have to repeat the next four commands several times (using the Bash history is suitable here), shown as follows:

root@solaris11-1:~# newtask -p ace_proj_1 firefox &
[1] 3016
root@solaris11-1:~# newtask -p ace_proj_2 firefox &
[2] 3032
root@solaris11-1:~# newtask -p ace_proj_3 firefox &
[3] 3037
root@solaris11-1:~# newtask -p ace_proj_4 firefox &
[4] 3039

As time goes by and the number of tasks increase, each project will be approaching the FSS share limit (40 percent, 30 percent, 20 percent, and 10 percent of processor, respectively). We can follow this trend by executing the next command:

root@solaris11-1:~# prstat -JR
3516 root     8552K 1064K cpu1     49   0   0:01:25 25% dd/1
3515 root     8552K 1064K run       1   0   0:01:29 7.8% dd/1
1215 root       89M   29M run     46   0   0:00:56 0.0% Xorg/3
2661 root       13M 292K sleep   59   0   0:00:28 0.0% VBoxClient/3
   750 root       13M 2296K sleep   55   0   0:00:02 0.0% nscd/32
3518 root       11M 3636K cpu0     59   0 0:00:00 0.0%

(truncated output)

100       4   33M 4212K   0.1%   0:01:49 35% ace_proj_1
101       4   33M 4392K   0.1%   0:01:14 28% ace_proj_2
102       4   33M 4204K   0.1%   0:00:53 20% ace_proj_3
103       4   33M 4396K   0.1%   0:00:30 11% ace_proj_4
3       2   10M 4608K   0.1%   0:00:06 0.8% default
1       41 2105M 489M   12%   0:00:09 0.7% user.root
0       78 780M 241M   5.8%   0:00:20 0.3% system

The prstat command with the –J option shows a summary of the existing projects, and –R requires the kernel to execute the prstat command in the RT scheduling class. If the reader faces some problem getting the expected results, it is possible to swap the firefox command with the dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null & command to get the same results.

It is important to highlight that while not all projects take their full share of the CPU, other projects can borrow some shares (percentages). This is the reason why ace_proj_4 has 11 percent, because ace_proj_1 has taken only 35 percent ( the maximum is 40 percent).

An overview of the recipe

In this section, you learned how to change the default scheduler from TS to FSS in a temporary and persistent way. Finally, you saw a complete example using projects, tasks, and FSS.



In this article we learned to monitor and handle process execution, to manage process priority on Solaris 11, and configure FSS and apply it to projects.

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