3 min read

(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)

Getting ready

Before getting involved with the steps required to add the security role, we need to understand the concept of the security role itself and other, related security terms.

We have to consider that every organization has its own security policies; these policies are followed by the employees according to their roles and responsibilities in the organization. Every person has a role or different roles that contain duties, and also a process cycle that he/she must follow to complete his/her tasks. So it is the same business concept used in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

The following screenshot illustrates the hierarchy of the security concept within Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012:

  • Security policy: This is a set of security roles that control the working environment

  • Security role: This represents the scope of work for every person in the organization

  • Duties: These are responsibilities to perform tasks for a specific business objective or process cycle, and they contain a set of application access privileges

  • Privileges and permissions: These are a group of access rights granted to the users that require them

How to do it…

The following screenshot shows the security role form; on the left-hand side of the form, you will find a list of all the predefined security roles, and if you select one of the security roles, you will notice the related information at the center of the form. You can also drag-and-drop the security roles from the left-hand side of the form, into the Name field.

We are going to take a look at the steps to add a security role:

  1. Go to System administration | Setup | Security | Security roles.

  2. In the upper left-hand corner of the security roles form, click on New.

  3. Enter the required role in the AOT name field.

  4. Enter the name of the role in the Name field.

  5. Enter a description for this role in the Description field.

  6. Click on the Add button at the center of the form.

  7. A new window appears; change View by field to Role to view the list of roles from the drop-down list.

  8. You can type the role’s name in the Find field to search for it.

  9. Mark the selected role required by checking the checkbox on the left-hand side of the role name.

  10. Click on Close to close the form and return to the main form.

  11. You will notice that the role has been added to the Role center section on the main screen.

  12. Click on Close to close this form.

How it works…

We interacted with the Application Object Tree (AOT) by entering the role name in the AOT name field without interacting directly with the AOT, so the changes we made to the role form will also be made to the role node on the AOT.

There’s more…

You can add a sub role to an existing role with the drag-and-drop function.

  1. Open the security roles form.

  2. On the left-hand side of the window, click on the existing role desired, which is Budget clerk in this case.

  3. Again on the left-hand side of the window, click-and-drag the required role and drop to the existing role Accountant in this case.

  4. You will notice that new roles have been added to the Role center section in the form.

  5. Click on Close to close the form.


This article has explained us the interaction of the user with AOT to understand how to add a security role and make the necessary setup.

Resources for Article :

Further resources on this subject:


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