2 min read

Last week, AdaCore announced that they are now a member of the RISC-V Foundation. The Risc-V Foundation is a non-profit organization, which provides the free and open-source instruction set architecture (ISA) called RISC-V.

RISC-V was created by the Computer Science Division, EECS Department at the University of California in Berkeley with their foundation is supported by over 200 members. The ISA in RISC-V can be implemented via either open-source or proprietary architectures. This allows chip designers to use an assembly language that is designed with clarity.

By becoming a part of the RISC-V Foundation, AdaCore’s Ada and SPARK languages are made available to RISC-V developers. This offers them an environment where they can develop applications where safety and security are critical.

The first few product offerings from AdaCore—GNAT Pro Ada and GNAT Pro C—are made for bare metal RISC-V 32- and 64-bit architectures. They can also be used for the GNAT Community edition for bare metal RISC-V 32-bit configurations.

Rick O’Connor, executive director of the RISC-V Foundation said: “We’re happy to see Ada joining the front row of the languages available to the RISC-V ecosystem. This will create an extremely appealing option for RISC-V users with the most stringent reliability requirements.

Quentin Ochem, the lead of Business Development at AdaCore said: “As we’re seeing the growth of Ada in new projects and markets, RISC-V has rapidly emerged as an indispensable ecosystem to be part of. We are fascinated by the opportunities it creates both at the technical and business levels, and we look forward to becoming an active member of the community.

To know more about AdaCore, visit the AdaCore website.

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