9 min read

Security is a concern in any web application, but the security this article deals with is that of user accounts, membership, and roles. We’ll be using the ASP.NET membership and roles functions to allow certain users such as administrators to perform specific tasks. These tasks may include managing the application, while other users such as content editors, may be restricted to the specific tasks we want them to manage such as adding or changing content. User account management can be handled either by the application (in our case, our Content Management System) or by Windows itself, using standard Windows authentication functions, as well as file and folder permissions.

The advantage of an application-based user authentication system is primarily in cost. To use Windows authentication, we need to purchase Client Access Licenses (CALs) for each user that will access our application. This is practical in an intranet, where users would have these licenses to perform other functions in the network. However, for an Internet application, with potentially thousands of users, licensing could be extremely expensive.

The drawback to an application-based system is that there is a lot more work to do in designing and using it. The Windows authentication process has been around for years, continually improved by Microsoft with each Windows release. It scales extremely well, and with Active Directory, can be extended to manage just about anything you can think of.

ASP.NET membership

Fortunately, Microsoft has provided relief for application-based authentication drawbacks in the 2.0 version of the ASP.NET framework, with the ASP.NET membership functions, and in our case, the SqlMembershipProvider. The membership API makes it simple for us to use forms authentication in our application, retrieving authentication and membership information from a membership provider. The membership provider abstracts the membership details from the membership storage source. Microsoft provides two providers—the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider that uses Active Directory and the SqlMembershipProvider that uses an SQL server database for the user data store.

By default, ASP.NET authentication uses cookies—small text files stored on the user’s system—to maintain authentication status throughout the application. These cookies normally have an expiration time and date, which requires users to log in again after the cookie has expired. It is possible to use cookies to allow the client system to authenticate the application without a user login, commonly seen as a “Remember Me” checkbox in many web site login pages. There is naturally a downside to cookies in that a client system may not accept cookies. ASP.NET can encode the authentication information into the URL to bypass this restriction on cookies. Although in the case of our application, we will stick with the cookie method. Forms authentication secures only ASP.NET pages. Unless you are using IIS7, and the integrated pipeline, where ASP.NET processes all file requests, the ASP.NET DLL won’t be called for non-ASP.NET pages. This means that you cannot easily secure HTML pages, PDF files, or anything other than ASP.NET through forms authentication.

Configuring and using forms authentication

Let’s start learning ASP.NET forms authentication by walking through a brand new application. We’ll then add it to our Content Management System application. Forms authentication is actually quite simple, both in concept and execution, and a simple application can explain it better than adopting our current CMS application. Of course, we eventually need to integrate authentication into our CMS application, but this is also easier once you understand the principles and techniques we’ll be using.

Creating a new application

Start by opening Visual Web Developer 2008 Express and creating a new web site by clicking on File | New Web Site. Use the ASP.NET Website template, choose File System, and name the folder FormsDemo.

ASP.NET 3.5 CMS: Adding Security and Membership (Part 1)

When the site is created, you are presented with a Default.aspx page created with generic code. We will use this as our home page for the new site, although we need to modify it for our needs.

Creating the home page

Visual Web Developer 2008 Express creates a generic Default.aspx file whenever you create a new site. Unfortunately, the generic file is not what we want and will need modification. The first thing we want to do is make sure our site uses a Master Page, just as our Content Management System application will. To do this, we could delete the page, create our Master Page, and then add a new Default.aspx page that uses our Master Page. In the case of a brand new site, it’s pretty easy, but what if you have developed an extensive site that you want to convert to Master Pages? You would want to add a Master Page to an existing site, so let’s go ahead and do that.

Create the Master Page

To create a Master Page, leave the Default.aspx file open and press Ctrl+Shift+A to add a new item to the solution. Choose the Master Page template and leave the name as MasterPage.Master. Place the code in a separate file and click Add to create the Master Page. You will notice that this creates the same generic code as in the previous chapter. Unfortunately, our Default.aspx file is not a content page and won’t use the MasterPage.Master we just created, unless we tell it to.

To tell our Default.aspx page to use the MasterPage.Master, we need to add the MasterPageFile declaration, in the @ Page declaration, at the top of the file. Add the following code between the Language and AutoEventWireup declarations:


This adds the Master Page to our Default.aspx page. However, content pages include only those Content controls that match the Master Page, not the full page code as our Default.aspx page currently does. To fix this, replace the remaining code outside the @ Page declaration with the following two Content controls:

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
<h1>This is where the content goes.</h1>

We’ve left the Content1 control empty for the moment, and we’ve added a simple text statement to the Content2 control so that it can be tested. If you view the Default.aspx page in a browser, you should see the relatively uninteresting web page below:

ASP.NET 3.5 CMS: Adding Security and Membership (Part 1)

Enabling forms authentication

Okay, we have a boring home page for our new site. Let’s leave it for a moment and enable forms authentication for the site, so we can restrict who can access our home page. The process of enabling forms authentication is simply adding a few lines to our web.config file. Or in the case of the generic web.config file, which we created while creating our new site, we simply need to alter a single line.

Open the web.config file in the new site and look for the line that says:

<authentication mode="Windows" />

Edit it to read:

<authentication mode="Forms" />

Save the web.config file and you have now enabled forms authentication for this site.

The default authentication mode for ASP.NET applications is Windows, which is fine if you’re working in an intranet environment where every user probably has a Windows login for use in the corporate network anyway. Using Windows authentication, Windows itself handles all the security and authentication, and you can use the myriad of Windows utilities and functions such as Active Directory, to manage your users.

On the other hand, with forms authentication, ASP.NET is expected to handle all the details of authentication and security. While ASP.NET 2.0 and later have sophisticated membership and profile capabilities, there is no ASP.NET mechanism for protecting files and folders from direct access, outside of the application. You will still need to secure the physical server and operating system from outside of your application.

Creating the membership database

To use forms authentication and the SqlMembershipProvider, we need to create a database to authenticate against. This database will hold our user information, as well as membership information, so we can both authenticate the user and provide access based on membership in specific roles. For our demonstration, we will create a new database for this function.

We’ll create a database with SQL Server ManagementExpress, so open it and right-click Databases in the Object Explorer pane. Choose New Database and name it FormsDemo. Change the location of the database path to the App_Data folder of your FormsDemo web application—the default is C:InetpubFormsDemoApp_Data as shown below. Click OK and the new database will be created.

If you look at this database, you will see that it is empty. We haven’t added any tables to it, and we haven’t set up any fields in those non-existent tables. The database is pretty much useless at this stage. We need to create the database layout, or schema, to hold all the authentication and membership details. Fortunately, Microsoft provides a simple utility to accomplish this task for the 2.0 version of the ASP.NET framework – aspnet_regsql.exe. We’ll use this too, in order to create the schema for us, and make our database ready for authentication and membership in our application.

To use aspnet_regsql.exe, we need to provide the SQL Server name and login information. This is the same information as shown in the login dialog when we open the database in SQL Server Management Studio Express, as shown below:

ASP.NET 3.5 CMS: Adding Security and Membership (Part 1)

Note the server name, it will usually be {SystemName}/SQLEXPRESS, but it may be different depending on how you set it up. We use SQL Server Authentication with the sa account and a password of SimpleCMS when we set up SQL Server Express 2005, and that’s what we’ll use when we run the aspnet_regsql.exe tool.

To run aspnet_regsql.exe, you may browse to it in Windows Explorer, or enter the path into the Run dialog when you click on Start and then Run. The default path is C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727aspnet_regsql.exe. The utility may be run with command-line arguments, useful when scripting the tool or using it in a batch file, but simply running it with no parameters brings it up in a GUI mode. When the ASP.NET SQL Server Setup Wizard launches, click Next. Make sure that the Configure SQL Server for application services is selected and click on Next.

The ASP.NET SQL Server Setup Wizard will ask for the server, authentication, and database. You should enter these according to the information from above.

ASP.NET 3.5 CMS: Adding Security and Membership (Part 1)

Click Next to confirm the settings. Click Next again to configure the database with the ASP.NET users and membership schema. Continue and exit the wizard, and the database is ready for us to use for authentication. If you were to open the FormsDemo database in SQL Server Management Studio Express, you would find that new tables, views, and stored procedures have been added to the database during this configuration process.


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