Home Data Tutorials How to implement Dynamic SQL in PostgreSQL 10

How to implement Dynamic SQL in PostgreSQL 10

Implement Dynamic SQL in Postgre
6 min read

In this PostgreSQL tutorial, we’ll take a close look at the concept of dynamic SQL, and how it can make the life of database programmers easy by allowing efficient querying of data.

This tutorial has been taken from the second edition of Learning PostgreSQL 10. You can read more here.

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Dynamic SQL is used to reduce repetitive tasks when it comes to querying. For example, one could use dynamic SQL to create table partitioning for a certain table on a daily basis, to add missing indexes on all foreign keys, or add data auditing capabilities to a certain table without major coding effects. Another important use of dynamic SQL is to overcome the side effects of PL/pgSQL caching, as queries executed using the EXECUTE statement are not cached.

Dynamic SQL is achieved via the EXECUTE statement. The EXECUTE statement accepts a string and simply evaluates it. The synopsis to execute a statement is given as follows:

EXECUTE command-string [ INTO [STRICT] target ] [ USING expression [, ...]


Executing DDL statements in dynamic SQL

In some cases, one needs to perform operations at the database object level, such as tables, indexes, columns, roles, and so on. For example, a database developer would like to vacuum and analyze a specific schema object, which is a common task after the deployment in order to update the statistics. For example, to analyze the car_portal_app schema tables, one could write the following script:

DO $$


table_name text;


FOR table_name IN SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname ='car_portal_app' LOOP

RAISE NOTICE 'Analyzing %', table_name;

EXECUTE 'ANALYZE car_portal_app.' || table_name;




Executing DML statements in dynamic SQL

Some applications might interact with data in an interactive manner. For example, one might have billing data generated on a monthly basis. Also, some applications filter data on different criteria defined by the user. In such cases, dynamic SQL is very convenient. For example, in the car portal application, the search functionality is needed to get accounts using the dynamic predicate, as follows:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION car_portal_app.get_account (predicate TEXT)

RETURNS SETOF car_portal_app.account AS



RETURN QUERY EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM car_portal_app.account WHERE ' || predicate;


$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

To test the previous function:

car_portal=> SELECT * FROM car_portal_app.get_account ('true') limit 1;

account_id | first_name | last_name | email | password



1 | James | Butt | [email protected] |


(1 row)

car_portal=> SELECT * FROM car_portal_app.get_account


account_id | first_name | last_name | email | password



1 | James | Butt | [email protected] |


(1 row)

Dynamic SQL and the caching effect

As mentioned earlier, PL/pgSQL caches execution plans. This is quite good if the generated plan is expected to be static. For example, the following statement is expected to use an index scan because of selectivity. In this case, caching the plan saves some time and thus increases performance:

SELECT * FROM account WHERE account_id =<INT>

In other scenarios, however, this is not true. For example, let’s assume we have an index on the advertisement_date column and we would like to get the number of advertisements since a certain date, as follows:

SELECT count (*) FROM car_portal_app.advertisement WHERE advertisement_date >= <certain_date>;

In the preceding query, the entries from the advertisement table can be fetched from the hard disk either by using the index scan or using the sequential scan based on selectivity, which depends on the provided certain_date value. Caching the execution plan of such a query will cause serious problems; thus, writing the function as follows is not a good idea:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION car_portal_app.get_advertisement_count

(some_date timestamptz ) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$


RETURN (SELECT count (*) FROM car_portal_app.advertisement WHERE

advertisement_date >=some_date)::bigint;


$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

To solve the caching issue, one could rewrite the previous function either using the SQL language function or by using the PL/pgSQL execute command, as follows:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION car_portal_app.get_advertisement_count

(some_date timestamptz ) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$


count BIGINT;


EXECUTE 'SELECT count (*) FROM car_portal_app.advertisement WHERE

advertisement_date >= $1' USING some_date INTO count;

RETURN count;


$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Recommended practices for dynamic SQL usage

Dynamic SQL can cause security issues if not handled carefully; dynamic SQL is vulnerable to the SQL injection technique. SQL injection is used to execute SQL statements that reveal secure information, or even to destroy data in a database. A very simple example of a PL/pgSQL function vulnerable to SQL injection is as follows:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION car_portal_app.can_login (email text, pass text)



stmt TEXT;

result bool;


stmt = E'SELECT COALESCE (count(*)=1, false) FROM car_portal_app.account

WHERE email = ''|| $1 || E'' and password = ''||$2||E''';

RAISE NOTICE '%' , stmt;

EXECUTE stmt INTO result;

RETURN result;


$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

The preceding function returns true if the email and the password match. To test this function, let’s insert a row and try to inject some code, as follows:

car_portal=> SELECT car_portal_app.can_login('[email protected]',

md5('[email protected]'));

NOTICE: SELECT COALESCE (count(*)=1, false) FROM account WHERE email =

'[email protected]' and password = '1b9ef408e82e38346e6ebebf2dcc5ece'




(1 row)

car_portal=> SELECT car_portal_app.can_login('[email protected]',

md5('[email protected]'));

NOTICE: SELECT COALESCE (count(*)=1, false) FROM account WHERE email =

'[email protected]' and password = '37eb43e4d439589d274b6f921b1e4a0d'




(1 row)

car_portal=> SELECT car_portal_app.can_login(E'[email protected]'--', 'Do

not know password');

NOTICE: SELECT COALESCE (count(*)=1, false) FROM account WHERE email =

'[email protected]'--' and password = 'Do not know password'




(1 row)

Notice that the function returns true even when the password does not match the password stored in the table. This is simply because the predicate was commented, as shown by the raise notice:

SELECT COALESCE (count(*)=1, false) FROM account WHERE email =

'[email protected]'--' and password = 'Do not know password'

To protect code against this technique, one could follow these practices:

  • For parameterized dynamic SQL statements, use the USING clause.
  • Use the format function with appropriate interpolation to construct your queries. Note that %I escapes the argument as an identifier and %L as a literal.
  • Use quote_ident(), quote_literal(), and quote_nullable() to properly format your identifiers and literal.

One way to write the preceding function is as follows:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION car_portal_app.can_login (email text, pass text)




stmt TEXT;

result bool;


stmt = format('SELECT COALESCE (count(*)=1, false) FROM

car_portal_app.account WHERE email = %Land password = %L', $1,$2);

RAISE NOTICE '%' , stmt;

EXECUTE stmt INTO result;

RETURN result;


$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

We saw how dynamically SQL is used to build and execute queries on the fly. Unlike the static SQL statement, a dynamic SQL statements’ full text is unknown and can change between successive executions. These queries can be DDL, DCL, and/or DML statements.

If you found this article useful, make sure to check out the book Learning PostgreSQL 10, to learn the fundamentals of PostgreSQL 10.

Learning PostgreSQL 10




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